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    Thread: Cam Newton

    1. #1
      horsepwr's Avatar
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      One man's trash is another man's treasure.
      Thank God for Gator ethics. For anyone that feels college ball has lost it's integrity because of the Newton family's bs. Just read why Cam Newton is, really, no longer a Florida Gator.
      He's a looser. Him and his preacher dad.

      And here I was enjoying Auburn's victories. They don't deserve to win another game. And I wouldn't mind seeing 'em get their ass stomped for taking some integrity out of the SEC. pieces of shit. And shame on Auburn for playing that game.
      Oh well. Everybody can't be as ethical as the rest of the likes of college ball.
      Too bad Steve Spurrier couldn't put it on 'em.
      1 up

      Go Gators

    2. #2
      hawk80's Avatar
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      Default Re: Cam Newton

      Roll Tide. I agree. Although I don't have the proof and apparently nobody else does I would find it strange to say the least that a man that shops his son around the SEC just one day decides to send his son to Auburn without receiving some kind of compensation based solely on Auburn's merits. I'm just sayin'.

      On a different note..The SEC is dog eat dog eat dog. This isn't the worst scandal we've seen, just the latest.

    3. #3
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      Default Re: Cam Newton

      I think its more shame on his dad. First of all hes a grown man, and second, he claims to be a preacher. You got to remember, Cam was just a 20 yr old kid and was prob just doing what his dad was telling him to do (assuming he even knew fully what was going on). Im not an AU fan at all, but to act like this is such an isolated incident of misconduct in the NCAA is a joke. Their is all kinds of shenanigans going on so you really just have to enjoy the product on the field and not worry about all the drama. AU is gonna roll Oregon bad. I still want to see the SEC win a NC.

    4. #4
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      Default Re: Cam Newton

      Well, he was rumored to be in trouble at FU for a cheating scandal and left before the hammer came down on him

      I dont really care who wins, but I think I will be pulling for Oregon since Colorado is now part of that conference.

    5. #5
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      Default Re: Cam Newton

      It doesn't matter what his dad did, that didn't buy Cam the talent that he has. He is a great football player. This thing happens very frequently....ESPECIALLY in the SEC. Our division is the worst division as far as this stuff goes. So to pick him out of the lineup and jump all over him (when he hasn't been found guilty of it) is kind of crazy, IMO. I don't think that kind of stuff is right, but neither is juicing in the UFC, but it happens. Would this have come up had Auburn been 0-10 this year?
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    6. #6
      Strella's Avatar
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      Nope, its just cause he was balling out this year.

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