When I watch Bill Clinton, Carter in his day, Obama of course...it makes me wonder how in the hell these guys pulled it off.!!! It is frikkin crazy! Bill Clinton has seemed to have lost his mind, which he wasn't so bad when he was president, but there is, and has always been, something wrong "up-stairs" with Mr. Clinton. And this guy ran our country! America elected these wing nuts!

I just watched Bill talk, and he's definitely a few eggs short. Same with Carter, FDR, Wilson, Obama, Lincoln, and I'm sure several others I haven't named.

The ones that speak well...give those great speaches, seem to be the most out of it. The ones without the can of bullshit for sale, that don't usually have the speech that deserves ovation. They have seemed to do much better.

I just realized something. I know a few crazy people. Some family members by marriage. They love to talk. They come up with some great tales, and before you learn they're whacko, you think they're just really cool, intellectual individuals. Nothing out of the ordinary. Then, you catch on that something's not right, and you see it as clear crystal.
It's like what happens during election years. You don't know until it's too late.