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    Thread: High Carbs And No Cardio? Transform Your Body In Just 12 Weeks!

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      BABY1's Avatar
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      Default High Carbs And No Cardio? Transform Your Body In Just 12 Weeks!

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      • High Carbs And No Cardio? Transform Your Body In Just 12 Weeks!

      • High Carbs And No Cardio? Transform Your Body In Just 12 Weeks!
      • High Carbs And No Cardio? Transform Your Body In Just 12 Weeks!
      • High Carbs And No Cardio? Transform Your Body In Just 12 Weeks!
      • High Carbs And No Cardio? Transform Your Body In Just 12 Weeks!
      • High Carbs And No Cardio? Transform Your Body In Just 12 Weeks!
      • High Carbs And No Cardio? Transform Your Body In Just 12 Weeks!
      High Carb No Cardio Dieting

      I know what you are thinking; the title for this article is going to be a lie. Somewhere in the words that follow you will be able to find a lie in all of this. There is no way that you can diet with a high amount of carbs as well as no cardio and get lean. It just can't be done, or can it? I am here to tell you that it is possible. In the next 12 weeks I will show you how you can transform your body while eating plenty (I have eaten around 300 carbs a day on this diet) of carbs a day with absolutely ZERO cardio. I am going to break down the 12 week process and show you how you can both transform your body while eating the carbs you love and not doing the cardio you hate. Read on....

      First I would like to talk a little about how I came across this amazing diet. To be honest I kind of stumbled across the idea when I was speaking with a co-worker of mine who too is a natural bodybuilder. We were just discussing how each other diets for shows and both of us agreed we would like to be able to eat more carbs. Below is basically our conversation:
      The keys to dieting are very simple, maintain current muscle **** (I always believe if you diet correctly you may not be able to increase size but improve the quality of the muscle with your training) and lose body fat. To maintain your muscle you need to take in enough protein and to lose body fat your overall calories need to be less than amount you burn during the course of your day. Those are just some basics.
      We understand that protein is a key factor to maintaining muscle so let's keep that in the equation.

      Fats And Carbs

      Regarding Fats, I am only going to discuss healthy fats, either dieting or not saturated and Trans fats shouldn't ever find there way into your diet.
      Healthy fat is a long term energy source for your body. That is why I do include them in this diet in the form of Fish Oil pills but nothing more than is needed. Fats don't help you work out. They also are dense in calories, unlike protein and carbs which per gram have 4 calories fats have 9 calories per gram, which means you eat less than half the food when ingesting fats as you would eating carbs or protein.

      Fats Are Included In This Diet In The Form Of Fish Oil Pills.
      Now lets look at Carbs. Carbs have been cast as the bad guy when dieting. We have been told that if we have too many carbs we will get fat. That is true, but if you have too much of anything you will get fat. Eating five chicken breasts in each meal will get you fat just as easy as eating the same amount in carbs. Remember calories eaten against calories expended.
      Let's take a minute and look at the benefits of eating carbs. Eating carbs results in a spike in insulin, which has been shown to be more anabolic(muscle building) than testosterone itself. Insulin counteracts any kind of catabolic(muscle wasting) hormones. Also Insulin increases you metabolism to burn more overall calories. Carbs when digested into your system turn into glycogen which is basically energy for your muscles.
      Let's sit back and forget all the things you have been told and look at the facts. We have a substance which helps increase hormones that are better than testosterone, stops hormones that waste away muscle, increases your metabolism and gives energy to muscles to work harder in the gym. Why again do we restrict this amazing Macronutrient?

      Most people say that if your insulin is spiked all the time your body will not be able to ever tap into it fat storage. My response to this statement is; if you are expending more calories during the day from your intense training then you are taking in then at some point you need to be tapping into something! If you have enough protein in your diet to maintain your muscle than it only leads fat as the source of energy you body will reach for...
      This was the conclusion that I came across with my co-worker from our conversation. I decided then and there to get rid of the fat and increase the carbs.
      There is going to be stages to the diet and the training, every 4 weeks you will see that the diet will get more strict and the training more intense.
      First things first to be successful on this diet you will need to know how to distinguish between the different macro nutrients (protein, carbs and fat) and what kind of foods associate with each. Instead of listing them off in this article I am going to direct you to one of my favorite basic but essential nutrition articles.

      Calculating Your Calories

      Let's get down to the dieting aspect of things for the first 4 weeks:
      I am going to use my personal number as I went through this diet:
      Take your Bodyweight (I was around 230) and multiple it by 12 and round down, this will be your amount of calories you will be eating every day.
      230 x 12 = 2760 I will be rounding down to 2700. I always round down because at this point we are dieting and I would rather leave room for a little less to make up for any extra stuff that might be added from time to time.
      Regarding Protein and Carbs we will be multiplying your bodyweight by 1.25
      230 x 1.25 = 287.5 for both protein and carbs
      Regarding fat I don't count it into the equation I just make sure to pick all lean cuts of meat and don't include any additional fat sources. The diet below will include around 50 grams of fat from the protein. The Ratio with this diet is 42.5% Protein 42.5% Carbs and 15% Fat. In the coming months you will see the protein amounts decrease as which will result in a decrease in fat, leaving more of the diet in the form of carbs.


      Below is the Diet for a 230 lbs Bodybuilder in the First 4 weeks of the Diet.
      Meal 1:
      • 1.5 scoops of Big Blend Protein Powder
      • 1 cup of Oatmeal
      Meal 2:
      • 5oz of Chicken Breast
      • 3 slices of Ezekiel Bread
      Meal 3:
      • 5oz of Chicken Breast
      • 1 cup of Brown Rice
      Meal 4:
      • 5oz Chicken Breast
      • 3 slices of Ezekiel Bread
      Meal 5:
      • 1.5 scoops of Big Blend Protein Powder
      • 3 slices of Ezekiel Bread
      Meal 6:
      • 5oz of Chicken Breast
      • 1 cup of Brown Rice

      Dietary And Supplement Guidelines

      This diet is bases on bodyweight numbers so as you lose weight you will need to re adjust your overall calories and your protein and carb numbers. Change these numbers each time you lose 5 lbs.
      This is how you will diet each day that you are training; on days that you don't train you will just subtract one of these meals. Eat upon waking each day and on training days eat every 3 hours and on non training days eat every 3.5-4 hours.


      Here are the Supplements that I recommend:
      • Big Blend: I use this as my protein powder for my diet
      • Bullnox: I take 1-1.5 scoops before each weight training session
      • BullRush: I mix 1 scoop in water and sip during my training
      • Glutamine High C: I take 1 servings with Meal 1, 3 and 6
      • Multivitamin: I take 1 serving with Meals 1 and 3
      • Ripped Juice Extreme: I take 1 serving with Meals 1 and 3
      The reason I created this diet was I hated the fact that when I looked my best I felt the worst in the gym. As I started to lean out my performance got worse and worse and I couldn't wait to get back to bulking. That has all changed with the diet that we listed above you will now have the energy you need to bring the intensity to the weight room and make improvement while dieting away the fat. The key for all of this to work is INTENSITY. For the next 12 weeks you will need to bring your utmost intensity to the gym and I promise you will love the results you see.


      Here is the training program I have set out for you for the First 4 Weeks
      Training Split:
      • Day 1: Legs
      • Day 2: Shoulders/Abs
      • Day 3: Back/Abs
      • Day 4: Rest
      • Day 5: Chest/Calves/Abs
      • Day 6: Arms/Abs
      • Day 7: Rest

      Day 1: Legs
      • Squats: 3 sets of 8 reps
      • Lying Leg Curls: 3 sets of 10 reps
      • Stiff Legged Deadlifts: 3 sets of 10 reps

      • Leg Press: 4 sets of 15 reps
      • Walking Lunges: 3 sets of 40 reps
      • Leg Extensions: 3 sets of 12 reps
      Note: With Regard to the Walking Lunges(Use added weight if needed, but form should always be perfect, also this is not a power exercise so you should be able to continue the motion and not pause between step. If you're pausing with added weight you are using too much) With Regard to the Leg Extensions (hold for 2-3 Sec on the contraction of each rep)
      • Hack Squats: 3 sets of 15 reps
      • Seated Calf Raises: 3 sets of 15 reps
      • Standing Calf Raises: 3 sets of 8-10 reps

      Note: With Regard to the above calf exercises (Calf Exercises require a very short range of motion and most people bounce the weight up and down, this is both ineffective for muscle development and dangerous to the Achilles tendon. Lower the weight slow and under control and squeeze for 2-3 seconds on the contraction of each rep. If you can't lower the weight under control and or squeeze for 2-3 seconds on the contraction you are using too much weight.)
      Day 2: Shoulder/Abs
      • Standing Military Press: 3 sets of 8 reps
      • Standing Dumbbell Side Laterals: 3 sets of 12 reps
      • Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Flyes: 3 sets of 15 reps
      • Seated Dumbbell Press: 2 sets of 8 reps
      Note: At the end of each set pick up a light dumbbell and do slow and controlled front raises to failure.
      • Machine Side Laterals: 2 sets of 12 reps
      Note: At the end of each set pick up a light dumbbell and do slow and controlled side raises to failure.
      • Butterfly: 2 sets of 15 reps
      • Crunches: Perform 200 Crunches in succession, if you can not perform 200 Crunches in a row. Do as many as you can, once you reach failure rest for 15-20 sec and continue repeat this process until you have reached a total of 200 Crunches.

      Day 3: Back/Abs
      • Wide-Grip Pulldowns: 4 sets of 12/10/8/8 reps
      • Overhand Grip Barbell Rows: 4 sets of 8/8/6/6 reps
      • Close-Grip Pulldowns: 3 sets of 12/10/8 reps
      • One-Arm Dumbbell Rows: 3 sets of 10 reps (2-3 second squeeze at the top of each contraction)
      • Underhand Grip Low Cable Rows: 3 sets of 12 reps
      • Seated Cable Rows: 3 sets of 12 reps

      • Barbell Shrugs: 4 sets of 8 reps (2-3 Sec Squeeze on Contraction)
      Day 4: Rest
      • Crunches: Perform 200 Crunches in succession, if you can not perform 200 Crunches in a row. Do as many as you can, once you reach failure rest for 15-20 sec and continue repeat this process until you have reached a total of 200 Crunches.

      Day 5: Chest/Calves/Abs
      • Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 sets of 8/8/6/6 reps
      • Flat Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 8 reps
      • Dips: 3 sets to failure, use bodyweight only
      • Flat Dumbbell Flyes: 2 sets of 8-12 reps
      Note: Really focus on opening up the chest on the negative portion of the exercise and on the positive portion of the exercise squeeze the pecs together holding contraction for 2-3 Seconds.

      • Incline Smith Machine Press: 2 sets of 12 reps
      • Push Ups: 2 sets to failure

      • Seated Calf Raises: 3 sets 15 reps
      • Standing Calf Raises: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
      • Crunches: Perform 200 Crunches in succession, if you can not perform 200 Crunches in a row. Do as many as you can, once you reach failure rest for 15-20 sec and continue repeat this process until you have reached a total of 200 Crunches.

      Day 6: Arms/Abs
      Note: Before doing any triceps exercises I always warm up my elbows with a couple light high rep sets of cable rope extensions.
      • Close-Grip Bench Press: 4 sets of 8 reps
      • Lying Triceps Extensions: 3 sets of 10 reps
      • EZ Bar Triceps Extensions: 2 sets of 12 reps
      • Barbell Curls: 4 sets of 8 reps
      • Preacher Curls: 3 sets of 10 reps
      • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 2 sets of 12 reps
      • Crunches: Perform 200 Crunches in succession, if you can not perform 200 Crunches in a row. Do as many as you can, once you reach failure rest for 15-20 sec and continue repeat this process until you have reached a total of 200 Crunches.

      Day 7: Rest

      Training Notes:

      For all exercises try and keep your rest periods between sets at around 60-75 seconds. If you feel you can perform your set at full strength before that time do so.
      Well there you have it both your diet and training laid out for you, plenty of the carbs that you love and none of the cardio that you hate. Use the energy that you are given in this diet to focus on working as hard as you can in the gym. If you put your best efforts into your training and stick to the diet I am confident that you will be well on your way to an improved leaner physique. The next 4 weeks are going to tough but I know you can do it and once you are there you will be chomping at the bit to get on to Part 2 of this Plan. Good luck. Alex Stewart
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      "Actually for once your actually starting sound quite logical!"-djdiggler 07/10/2007


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      • High Carbs And No Cardio? Transform Your Body In Just 12 Weeks!
      • High Carbs And No Cardio? Transform Your Body In Just 12 Weeks!
      • High Carbs And No Cardio? Transform Your Body In Just 12 Weeks!
      • High Carbs And No Cardio? Transform Your Body In Just 12 Weeks!
      • High Carbs And No Cardio? Transform Your Body In Just 12 Weeks!
      • High Carbs And No Cardio? Transform Your Body In Just 12 Weeks!
      That doesnt look too healthy IMO. No fruits or veggies? Plus, Ezekiel bread makes me want to gag, and I eat just about anything. Its like a strictly brown colored food diet.

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