last night. It was beautiful, and made me proud. It was better than the 4th of July's, really. There were so many variation of red, white, and blue. They kept bursting off ones that would blow up, and look like the stripes, then a 2nd burst would be a giant star that would blow up and out towards ya. It would shoot upwards too. It was nice! Everyone came out of their houses. I'm just a couple blocks from the beach and they were launching them off the pier that's right near the end of my street.
It had some of the people in tears. It was very good!

Anybody else have a display for 9/11?

My dogh started barking at the 1st ones that went off, so my daughter and I got to see the whole show. I started explaining why they were doing it immediately, so she could somehow understand. She was born in '04. It was moving for the rest of us. I was just letting her know what the fireworks represent as other people walked up near us at the end of the driveway. I noticed that got to the girl across the street. It even got to my daughter. It's something that she missed that. She got to see some yesterday morning, about 9/11. I let her watch what happened for about an hour. I wish she hadn't seen a person have to jump, but I'm glad she saw the actual event.
Like my neighbor said. I wonder what they'll teach, and tell about that,in history class when she gets to that.

The fireworks should be a must. For now, at least. For a while. It was moving.
Keep representing with those big BOOMS and bursting colors...Go red, white and blue!