Judging changes afoot?

Well-known MMA officials McCarthy, Nelson “Doc” Hamilton, and Herb Dean will be speaking on July 26 before the California State Athletic Commission, united in an attempt to change the current judging system.

Hamilton, one of the most experienced judges in the sport, and McCarthy and Dean, the two most respected referees, are all proponents of the half-point system, which has been used in kickboxing.

Under that system, a close round would be scored 10-9.5, a clear but not dominant round is 10-9, a dominant but not overwhelmingly damaging round would be 10-8.5 and a totally one-sided round would be scored 10-8. Hamilton is also trying to come up with tie-breaker criteria in the event of a draw, like is used in judo and wrestling tournaments.

The most significant flaw in the current system is that whether a fighter squeaks by in a round, or strongly wins the round but doesn’t have the opponent near being finished, both are scored 10-9. This can lead to a fighter who completely dominates one round but barely loses the other two coming out on the wrong end of the scorecard despite doing more damage overall in the fight.
This is a step in the right direction....but how good will it be with the same judges?? I also think that they need to look at how each fight is judged....maybe change the criteria for scoring.