Vitamin Supplement
Vitamin Supplement

People in the government believe that we don't need vitamin supplements. Do you think people should stop taking supplements? My question this government employee is why do they take all the medications prescribe by the doctors that treat them for their common ailments. I'm sure our bodies were not designed for us to be taking pills every day. And maybe they should try vitamin supplements before filling their bodies with all this medications with all the detrimental side effects.

Yes, there is the evidence that people feel better when they take vitamins supplements. And this evidence is the kind of evidence that has more validity than any test performed by the government. What better evidence is there than the personal experience people have when they take vitamin supplements. There are case studies documented in a good number of articles of people who claim they got better when they started taking some sort of vitamin supplement. So why do people that take vitamin supplements seem to be doing better than people that don't? What is wrong with the food we eat every day in our busy life? Why do people take vitamin C to keep their resistance at higher levels?

Speaking from personal experience I used to get the common cold more often than expected but soon after I gradually started taking Vitamin C up to 3,000 milligrams per day the common cold became a think of the pass. Are our vegetables and fruits enough? Yes, vegetables are good as long as you can go hand pick them yourself from the garden and not eat all the mishandled produce and processed food. I would highly recommend for more people to start growing their own vegetable gardens I must inform you that I have gotten my children involved also and it helps us spent more quality time together. I wish I could show you pictures of the vegetables grown in our yard.

It has been shown that Vitamin C is very sensitive to our manipulation. For example the more you chop or shred or blend your food the more vitamin C is lost. Hence fruits and vegetables that are processed in the home and kept a day or more before they are eaten will lose about thirty to seventy percent of their vitamin C. One other thing discovered is that some of the vitamin C in pasteurized juice is biologically inactive that is, it has no use in helping us maintain a healthy body.

Some of the research I have done includes a study performed on potatoes which are not that high on vitamin C. But because our population eats them on a regular basis as potato chips which are dehydrated potatoes it is important you know the truth. The study concluded that these products contain no vitamin C. Makes you wonder whether the government food tables may be inaccurate.

I leave you with this thought! Be careful what you eat because it has been said you are what you eat