First off..I am compiling a list of important things to do or keep in mind when trying to be successful in building the body that you want. I am mostly making this list to remind MYSELF because I sometimes get caught up in the latest trends whether it's training methods, diets, or supps and tend to get away from the basics.

Hopefully this will assist some that are new to the sport.

1) Progression is Key My suggestion is to come up with your own workout focusing on the top compound exercises that you enjoy. I like to stick with alot of barbell exercises so that when I max out I can just add a peanut and keep slowly and steadily beating previous lifts. It is common sense that a person that can lift 135 on the bench and years later can bench 300 on the bench will be bigger and have more muscle. Don't question it. If you can keep the same form and progressively increase your lifts you will get bigger. I suggest to take it SLOW. If you could go up 5lbs every workout in a year you would be lifting a shit-ton of weight. I think you have to give your body a little time to catch up and there are times when I will hit a certain weight say 2-3 straight weeks just trying to get an extra rep or so and THEN when I feel like I can creep up the weight a bit I will. My goal here is by the end of the year to be able to look back at my logbook and be able to say I am stronger than the year before.

2) "DIETING" One important thing I believe is that if you are NOT on gear it is VERY difficult to progress with your lifts if you are doing a keto approach. On the other hand carb cycling in my opinion doesn't work as good for someone like myself who is "carb sensitive" (and yes I do believe there is such a thing). My suggestion is to create a baseline diet focusing on HIGH protein and moderate to high good fats using the MINIMUM amount of carbs that you need to slowly increase in strength/size. I think that the most important times for carbs are Post Workout and also in the morning. The strategy is to have a set base diet and workout and as you increase in your lifting and your appetite grows you can add slow slow increases in lean protein and maybe some more good fats. You can tweak it and see whats best for you. Remember..TRIAL AND ERROR

3) Supps I think some supps work better for some than others and everyone might have their own opinions and preferences, but here is what I like. I always take creatine, a multi-vitamin, something for joints, some good essential fats, and a fast-acting carb source (for PWO). I also like to take coral calcium and some melatonin. I like tribulus and some of the different prohormones too although there is no substitute for the real deal IMO. For supersupps test is always a good base and deca or EQ is a good anabolic to go along w/ it. To maximize growth alot of people will use an oral like dbol. Personally I believe in starting low on the doses. DO NOT start with some crazy dose just because you heard so and so does this amount. It is important to slowly progress just like w/ the training and the diet. You might grow off of only 250 or 500 test just fine. So basically its Train harder..Eat More..Increase Supps. It is a journey and not a race and the slower and more safely you go about trying to get where you want the better off you will be.

Some other Tips Cardio is best done in the morning IMO or immediately after the workout. The morning is better if you can, but is hard for alot of us who have work or school early in the morning. Sleep is very important and everyone knows that this is when you grow. I do okay with about 7hrs, but some do fine with 4-5. I thiink 7 or 8 hours is a good least it has been for me. Stick with whatever diet or training you choose and give it a chance before giving up and trying something else. Keep a logbook so that you can visually track your progress in the gym. For me its motivation to beat what I previously have listed. Set up your training however best fits your lifestyle. For instance I am really busy during the week so I set up my workout with Sat/Sun as my off-days. This way I can spend time with my friends and family on the weekend and recovery for the next monday workout. I also believe in cheat meals. (especially if you are on a very strict diet like Keto). I like to have one all out cheat at the end of the day on the same day each week...if for only just to keep my sanity after the week of the same meals at the same time day after day. This is Suppose to be a sport that you enjoy! Nobody is making you do this stuff and you should make it a "LIFESTYLE" rather than a chore so I suggest to treat yourself once in a while.

Hmmmmm...can't think of much else at the moment. Like I said kind of just made this more to remind myself of some of the basic things that I think are important to keep in mind when trying to get to the body that I want. If anyone wants to chime in with other good tips and things they think are important to keep in mind PLEASE DO. ..and any questions or comments welcome too
