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    Thread: Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero

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      Default Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero

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      • Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero

      • Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero
      • Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero
      • Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero
      • Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero
      • Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero
      • Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero
      Here is another insult to the American people by the Muslims.

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      Default Re: Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero

      Disgusting...This is the crap that gives liberals a warm fuzzy feeling inside

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      Default Re: Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero

      Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
      Disgusting...This is the crap that gives liberals a warm fuzzy feeling inside
      oh, think about the content feeling the jihads have while they hate us for everything America once stood for, and many of us still do.
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      Default Re: Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero

      I've learned that these huge mosques, like the one they want to build. They, Muslims, have always built mosques like the one in context on land that they've conquered.

      They need to touch their head to the ground 5 times a day for alah elsefukinwhere.
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      Default Re: Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero

      horsepwr is right. i say if they build it we fly a plane into it or something and knock it down.

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      Default Re: Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero

      Quote Originally Posted by horsepwr View Post
      I've learned that these huge mosques, like the one they want to build. They, Muslims, have always built mosques like the one in context on land that they've conquered.
      If that is so, then we need to wake the f*** up...These bastards are recruiting Americans like crazy as part of their plan to destroy us and take over...far fetched? Ha, not at all...It is written into their doctrine...I'm sorry but anybody who is a muslim fanatic living in America is a suspect and should be monitored continuously...of course we wont because God forbid we hurt someones feelings...common sense? If there was any we would be throwing these scumbags out of the country. Instead we help them build mosques where they can congregate and plot our demise...God help us

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      Default Re: Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero

      are you guys serious? obama is suing arizona 0ver a law that keeps illegals out..obama has placed guys in position specifically to destry this country:
      rahm emmanuel, david axelrod, eric holder...you want a real kicker...google obama's choice for education secretary..and lets not forget about van jones.

      obama wants muslim extremists here..obama denies there is a 'war on terror'...when in fact, that guy that tried to bomb NYC said in court the other day.."we are at war with the US"...

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      Default Re: Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero

      Someone really rich should step up and buy that building and just turn it into a starbucks or something to keep that from happening.

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      Default Re: Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero

      Quote Originally Posted by PL456 View Post
      are you guys serious? obama is suing arizona 0ver a law that keeps illegals out..obama has placed guys in position specifically to destry this country:
      rahm emmanuel, david axelrod, eric holder...you want a real kicker...google obama's choice for education secretary..and lets not forget about van jones.

      obama wants muslim extremists here..obama denies there is a 'war on terror'...when in fact, that guy that tried to bomb NYC said in court the other day.."we are at war with the US"...
      Don't forget about the regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein. He is the most dangerous of them all. Look him up.
      Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington

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      Default Re: Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero

      Quote Originally Posted by JsJs24 View Post
      Don't forget about the regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein. He is the most dangerous of them all. Look him up.
      Talk about extreme. Extremely fuked! His ideology is so far fetch whacked out...'leftist' isn't the word for him. I don't even know how to categorize that dude's ideology. stupidassology.
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      Default Re: Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero

      Quote Originally Posted by horsepwr View Post
      Talk about extreme. Extremely fuked! His ideology is so far fetch whacked out...'leftist' isn't the word for him. I don't even know how to categorize that dude's ideology. stupidassology.
      He is a Marxist-Communist. Pure and simple. Anyone who does not see that when reviewing his writings and views does not understand Marxism or Communism. He is scary as hell when considering the President gave him such a powerful position. The enemy if within, and it is un-American on every level. Everybody around this president is a Marxist, the Democratic Party has been taken over by Marxists, Maoists, Communists, and other radicals. The Communist Party USA has spoken out in support for Obama's policies. That alone should be reassuring of the fact that our President is a Marxist sympathizer. Some people will never wake up until its too late, which is sad, because all it takes it to open one's eyes and ears and do a little homework. People do not think it is possible to have a dictatorship in America but it is already underway. Something better change fast or we are doomed to totalitarianism. It may take several more years or a few more decades but it WILL come if we don't change the tone in Washington.
      Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington

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    12. #12
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      Default Re: Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero

      Quote Originally Posted by JsJs24 View Post
      He is a Marxist-Communist. Pure and simple. Anyone who does not see that when reviewing his writings and views does not understand Marxism or Communism. He is scary as hell when considering the President gave him such a powerful position. The enemy if within, and it is un-American on every level. Everybody around this president is a Marxist, the Democratic Party has been taken over by Marxists, Maoists, Communists, and other radicals. The Communist Party USA has spoken out in support for Obama's policies. That alone should be reassuring of the fact that our President is a Marxist sympathizer. Some people will never wake up until its too late, which is sad, because all it takes it to open one's eyes and ears and do a little homework. People do not think it is possible to have a dictatorship in America but it is already underway. Something better change fast or we are doomed to totalitarianism. It may take several more years or a few more decades but it WILL come if we don't change the tone in Washington.
      yes. drastically! Major change! Real change from the last 150yrs. Back to an uncurrupt Republic. Easy as that seems, you look around and it can seem far fetched.

      I don't really know anything about Cass Sunstein, except that he's a commi, and feels animals deserve rights. kookoo...kookoo...The few things I have heard about his views. Those views are just absolutely the most dim-witted, whacko-jacko kinda stuff.
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      Default Re: Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero

      Quote Originally Posted by horsepwr View Post
      yes. drastically! Major change! Real change from the last 150yrs. Back to an uncurrupt Republic. Easy as that seems, you look around and it can seem far fetched.

      I don't really know anything about Cass Sunstein, except that he's a commi, and feels animals deserve rights. kookoo...kookoo...The few things I have heard about his views. Those views are just absolutely the most dim-witted, whacko-jacko kinda stuff.
      You should do more research on him horsepwr. I posted some of the books and articles he wrote. Pay close attention to the ones in bold. The man is a radical communist by every definition, and he is Obama's top czar, the Regulatory Czar, which means he is in charge of all regulation. He discussed in an interview a while back that he could drastically reduce gun ownership by significantly increasing health insurance charges once a single payer system is in effect, and for those who have federal insurance before a single payer system is enacted. He said he wants to make it unaffordable to have health insurance if you have a gun in your house, since guns pose a safety risk. You would have no choice but to comply because once the health care bill is enacted you will face fines and other penalties for not having insurance. Thus, if you are not wealthy enough to afford insurance coverage prices for owning guns, then you will have to give up your guns. And people think that the small fine that is going to be charged for those who do not carry insurance is going to always remain that low. Get real! Once the health care bill goes into action fines and imprisonment sentences will be significantly increased. You will either not have a gun or go to jail is my guess. This is the man who will take away our second amendment. Also, there will be a single payer system shortly after the health care bill goes into effect. For those who doubt this, you are too naive. Companies are not going to continue to pay for insurance policies when they can allow the government to provide it. There is only one way to prevent all of this from happening, and that is to repeal the health care bill. Will it happen? Who knows, but we must have hope. Of course, my optimism has not been too high since this president has taken office, and the Republicans do not give me much to feel happy about either. Hopefully we will vote all of them out this fall, both Republicans and Democrats alike, and replace them all with true constitution supporting Republicans, Libertarians, and Independents. No more incumbents. That has to be the message. They must all be voted out of office never to return.

      Books by Cass R. Sunstein:

      * Behavioral Law and Economics (editor, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming, 2000) (info)
      * One Case At A Time: Judicial Minimalism on the Supreme Court
      * The Cost of Rights (with Stephen Holmes)
      * Clones and Clones: Facts and Fantasies About Human Cloning (with Martha Nussbaum)
      * Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict (1998)
      * Free Markets and Social Justice
      * Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech
      * The Partial Constitution
      * After the Rights Revolution: Reconceiving the Regulatory State
      * The Bill of Rights and the Modern State(co-editor with Geoffey R. Stone and Richard A. Epstein)
      * Feminism and Political Theory

      # Sunstein, Cass R. & Richard H. Thaler. Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness (Yale University Press 2008).
      Full text: AMAZON (Purchase)
      # Sunstein, Cass R. Worst-Case Scenarios (Harvard University Press 2007).
      # Sunstein, Cass R. The Second Bill of Rights: Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Unfinished Revolution and Why We Need It More Than Ever (Basic Books 2004).
      # Sunstein, Cass R. Why Societies Need Dissent (Harvard University Press 2003).
      # Sunstein, Cass R. Risk and Reason (Cambridge University Press 2002).
      (translations forthcoming in Spanish, Chinese, and Farsi, paperback 2004)
      # Sunstein, Cass R. Republic.com (paperback ed. 2002).
      (multiple translations, including Spanish, Italian, Japanese, and Chinese, new afterword, 2002)
      # Sunstein, Cass R. "The Laws of Fear," 115 Harvard Law Review 1119 (2002) (reviewing ).
      Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington

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      Another point on Sunstein. He is a lawyer who specializes in 5 different areas, one of them being Constitutional Law and another Environmental Law. Now, keep in mind that environmentalism is a communist movement. And also realize that Obama is a constitutional lawyer. It is obvious that neither of these men agree with the constitution, nor does Obama follow it if he can avoid it. Thus, one must wonder why they study constitutional law. It is my opinion that they do so in order to understand the constitution in depth so they can better understand how to make laws that go around it and destroy it all together. One thing is for certain, the President does not support the constitution in any aspect. He spoke about it in an interview once admitting it is outdated and represents racism and discrimination. That is how our President views the very document our country was founded on and the Founding Fathers who wrote it. What a disgrace. And shame on all of those who voted for him.
      Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington

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      Default Re: Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero

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      • Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero

      • Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero
      • Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero
      • Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero
      • Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero
      • Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero
      • Muslims Opening Mosque Near Ground Zero
      Not all Muslims are bad people but opening a Mosquee next to Ground Zero looks provocative to me ....

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