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    Thread: Seriously smart ass

    1. #1
      F.R.A.T. GUY's Avatar
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      Default Seriously smart ass

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      I know many of you know what a cow pellet is. I being only partially aware of some of the body building benefits out there do not. I just want to know what it does, what is in it and where I can look up more stuff about it. Know if this is information that cannot be discussed on the forum I would really appreciate a informative email. Thanks and just joking about the smart ass comment, like cow pies .........ha.......ha

    2. #2
      Manic Behavior's Avatar
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      If you are talking about fina (trenbolone), just do a search, or visit the fina forum, you will find more than enough to read.
      Disclaimer: Manic Behavior is not a real person, he is only a figment of your imagination. This post is not even real.

      Do NOT mess with a suburbanite, cuz we're just not going to take it anymore.


    3. #3
      x|Fluid|x's Avatar
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      Fina (Trenbolone Acetate)

      What is Fina?

      Finaplix is a cattle implant(pellet) that contains the powerful steroid Trenbolone Acetate. Fina is used in cattle prior to slaughter to increase muscle mass. The pellet is usually implanted into the skin beneath the ear using an implant gun. Right now you’re probably thinking there’s no way in hell I’m going to shoot a pellet underneath my skin. Well no worries, we aren’t cattle and we have a much better method of administration. There are various different ways that creative people have used to take fina over the years. The three most popular methods of administration include: Intramuscular injection, DMSO, and orally consuming the pellets. How do I inject a pellet you ask? Well, there are kits available(which are perfectly legal, as long as you aren’t purchasing the pellets at the same time) that have everything you need to convert fina into an injectable compound. The other methods of administration will be discussed later.

      What will Fina do for me?

      Fina, in addition to being twice as anabolic as testosterone, is the strongest androgenic compound there is. Fina lovers everywhere report massive strength gains, with minimal water retention. This makes fina an ideal drug for cutting or bulking cycles. Fina was once called “The gear of gods” by a fellow board member, this isn’t far from the truth. Many users watch their bodies dramatically transform in record time. Fina seems to ‘melt’ fat off bodybuilders who have low-moderate body-fat, while at the same time giving huge increases in strength and lean mass. In combination with substances such as winstrol\testosterone propionate, one can achieve a very hard, vascular physique.

      How do I take Fina?

      Fina has a half-life of only 3 days, meaning that frequent injections are required. The common dose taken by bodybuilders is 75mg ED(every day) or EOD(every other day), although some ambitious bodybuilders have been known to go up to 150mg, and even 400mg/day. This dose is not recommended, not even for advanced users. Fina has a short-acting ester, which means it takes effect quite rapidly; many users report strength/mass gains after only 7-10 days. Because fina takes effect so quickly, the standard 10 week cycle is not needed; a 6 week run seems to be the norm. Many people use fina at the beginning of a cycle to get a ‘kick-start’ while waiting for longer-acting drugs to kick in. Because of the short half-life of fina, it is also commonly used at the end of a cycle, run up to 3 days before clomid therapy while waiting for longer-acting esters to clear your system.

      Sample ‘Lean Mass’ Cycle using fina:

      Weeks 1-10: 500mg Test
      Weeks 1-10: 400mg EQ
      Weeks 8-13: 75mg Fina ED
      Weeks 14-16: Post cycle therapy (Clomid/HCG)

      Alternative Methods of Administration

      DMSO - Dimethyl Sulfoxide is a liquid gel that is known for its ability to permeate living tissue. 2-3 Fina pellets are ground up into a fine powder, and then mixed with a small amount of DMSO. The gel is applied to a thin, hairless area of the skin such as the inside of the knee’s/elbows. This method is not as effective as injecting, and some users report a garlic smell on their breath and emitting from the application site.

      Oral - Users that do not want to deal with frequent injections, or the garlic smell of DMSO have tried swallowing the pellets themselves. This method is not recommended due to the poor absorption rate of oral consumption(10-20%)

      Side Effects

      There are many possible side effects associated with fina. Oily skin and acne on the back/chest/shoulders or face are often reported. Fina has also been known to cause hair-loss in those who are prone to male baldness. Fina shuts down your HPTA(natural testosterone production) down quite quickly which can often lead to a loss of sex drive and temporary impotency. To avoid this, Fina should always be combined with a form of testosterone, and be followed by clomid and HCG treatment post-cycle.
      x|Fluid|x is presenting REAL opinions and DOES encourage and condone the use of steroids or other illegal/legal substances that may be used in an illegal manner.


      Minister of Controlled Substances for the KINGDOM of KANADA.

    4. #4
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      damn, those were some quick replies, lol.
      Disclaimer: Manic Behavior is not a real person, he is only a figment of your imagination. This post is not even real.

      Do NOT mess with a suburbanite, cuz we're just not going to take it anymore.


    5. #5
      F.R.A.T. GUY's Avatar
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      WOW, that was a much-appreciated wealth of information, I did not no that cow pellets were finaplex. Feel a little dumb thank you guys for all the help.

    6. #6
      rado's Avatar
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      Originally posted by teekahty
      bro go over to anabolic profiles forum look at trenbolone acetate (fina) it will tell you all about it

      you forgot to tell him who wrote it...

    7. #7
      Juice Authority's Avatar
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      Default Re: Seriously smart ass

      Originally posted by F.R.A.T. GUY
      I know many of you know what a cow pellet is. I being only partially aware of some of the body building benefits out there do not. I just want to know what it does, what is in it and where I can look up more stuff about it. Know if this is information that cannot be discussed on the forum I would really appreciate a informative email. Thanks and just joking about the smart ass comment, like cow pies .........ha.......ha
      Wow! Where does one begin with an opening statement like that? Well, if I were you I would first go to the extensive profiles that teekahty spent hours typing. If after that you're still thristing for information you might want to check out these two sites:



      Then I would suggest reading this study:

      Pharmacological and endocrinological studies on anabolic agents.

      Neumann F.

      When used in connection with animal production the term "anabolic agents" covers a wide range. Ther steroidal male and female sex hormones are included in this list, as are the nonsteroidal estrogens. For the clinician and for the endocrinologist, anabolics are only steroids chemically related to testosterone and 19-nortestosterone. Estrogens, though possessing anabolic properties, too, do not belong to this class. This paper will deal with anabolic agents in in the stricter sense of which mainly trenbolone acetate combined with hexestrol has been recommended for bull and heifer fattening. To consider possible consumer injury from ingestion of meat from anabolic agent treated animals, it is necessary to know the pharmacological properties of the agents, the doses producing certain effects or might produce, and the levels of residues in the meat. Trenbolone acetate will be compared with the following anabolic agents: methenolone acetate, methandrostenolone, nandrone, androstanazole, and 19-nortestosterone. The activity spectrum of trenbolone acetate is similar to that of 19-nortestosterone or those anabolics that are derived from 19-nortestosterone. The compound has about three times stronger androgenic effect than testosterone propionate. Its index of dissociation between anabolic/androgenic activity is 2--3. This index is 3--10 for the other anabolic agents. As regards the virilizing potency, trenbolone acetate is also on the top of the list. It seems that androgenicity and degree of virilization run paralle. The antigonadotropic activity (inhibition of ovulation and testicular growth) of trenbolone acetate exceeds that of testosterone propionate by the factor 3. The compound is not estrogenic and seemingly not or only weakly progestationally active. In principle, the androgenic activity (symptoms of virilization) as well as the antigonadotropic effect (disturbances of the menstrual cycle in women, inhibition of spermiogenesis in men) of trenbolone acetate might be noted. This risk, however, can be excluded by mere calculation. In rats, 0.1 mg/kg trenbolone acetate have an antigonadotropic effect. This corresponds to a daily dose of 5--7 mg in humans. By the same extrapolation, a daily human dose of 100 mg can be calculated for androgenic activity. Such factors of conversion are, of course, not precise because rats are much less sensitive to androgens and anabolics than humans. Thus, testosterone propionate is active only in daily doses of 10--20 mg. If in humans trenbolone acetate also has three times the activity of testosterone propionate, effects in man had to be counted with not less than a daily intake of 3--5 mg trenbolone acetate. The dose which is recommended for livestock fattening is 300 mg. IT can, therefore, be excluded almost with certainty that the meat would contain such large amounts of hormone residues.

      If you need more info after all that and the information provided by some of the others let me know...
      The juice is loose!!!

    8. #8
      X_Socrates_X's Avatar
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      Nice post Fluid ^, I didnt know what it was, I Was wondering, cow pellets? WTF? we learn something new every day, sometimes more then once.

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