Omega-3 eggs are great, but don't waste your money buying fortified eggs if you only eat egg whites.
Eggs fortified with Omega-3 fatty acids are a great way to increase the amount of those polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet. However, if you buy Omega-3 eggs, then you need to eat the yolks because that is where the Omega-3s are found. The Omega-3s are a fatty acid and the yolk contains most of the fat in an egg as only a trace amount of fat is in the whites (mostly only protein). Since Omega-3 eggs are a bit more pricey than normal eggs, it would be a waste of money to buy Omega-3 eggs if all you are going to do is throw out the yolks.
So eat the whole Omega-3 egg. If you don't have any cholesterol problems, you can eat up to seven Omega-3 eggs a week.