are now in Obama's hip pocket. and the rest of American's pocket books.
So the headcod, Obama, is hooking up unions with perks out the ass off tax payer dollar. But wait a minute, you say?..union workers pay taxes too. yeah. but they don't have to pay a damn dime for the sweet healthcare deal Obama proposed for them over the next 3-4yrs. But not to worry union workers. You're sweet deals are getting paid for. You won't do without. You're covered by the rest of us, non-union workers. And the ones you should really give thanks to is the business owners.
No problem. Well...I can't say that, because that's a lie. It is a problem. A huge problem. My family and I will do without for union workers. And I still have to muster up enough income to pay for our healthcare too.
Thanks Fobama. marxist, commi fuk.