Seven years ago, they were completely unheard of in the United States, except in the most hardcore weightlifting circles.

Now, kettlebells are the most popular new "fad" in fitness, and unlike other "fads", they are here to stay.

Why? Simple. Look at it. It's not some ridiculously complex implement. It's shaped like a cannonball with a flat bottom, and a handle. What do you do? Swing it around, lift it, throw it, catch it, do all kinds of stuff with it.

How much do they weigh? As little as ten pounds, as much as 106 pounds. Only the strongest lifters need apply when it comes to 106 lb kettlebells; however, nearly anyone can get there by building up from smaller kettlebells.

What kind of lifts can you do?

Swings: Exactly what they sound like. You swing it in between your legs, and up over your head. Done one-handed or two-handed. A killer fat-burner.

Snatches: Same as swings, but catch the fat part of the kettlebell over your head on the back of your wrist. Done right, it's NOT painful at all - it's like a pillow hitting your wrist.

Cleans: Same as snatches, but catch the bell at your chest.

Presses: Push the kettlebell from your shoulder, over your head, back down. Repeat.

Swing-and-catch: Exactly what it sounds like. Swing it, let go of it, and catch it by the handle again. Even flip it over or under if you want to have some fun.