Survive the Holidays~!!

While losing weight and losing fat may appear to be the exact same things, in reality this is not the case. If you apply the wrong bodybuilding diet, at the very least half of your weight loss will come from muscle tissue and bone mass! Thus, it is of utmost importance that when a bodybuilding diet is implemented, that it be done using sound bodybuilding nutrition principles.

As nice as the Holidays are, sometimes this can be one of the most challenging times to practice bodybuilding due to all of the activities that come with this season. Parties, shopping and deadlines can all wreck havoc into the bodybuilding program. However, as always, the key to bodybuilding success during this season is planning your schedule properly and using your determination to stick to it. With that said, here are some Tips to Staying Fit Over the Holidays.

1. Workout as early as possible, preferably first thing in the morning.
If your schedule is really hectic, I would advise waking up early and getting training done, if possible, right before you go to work. If this is not possible, then try doing it at lunch-time or right after work so that nothing else interferes with your workout. On days off from work, definitely get the training done as early as possible.

2. If your normal training routine is not possible try changing it to 3 days a week for 75 min and arrange your training routine accordingly. If you really cannot train more than 3 days a week for 75 minutes, If that is still too much then just cut 1 set for all the exercises listed with more than 1 set for them and this will bring down your gym time by around 15-20 minutes.

3. Plan your workout days one week ahead.
Because of the amounts of get togethers and days that the gym may be closed, it is best if you decide a week ahead which days you will be attending the gym. In this manner, your chances of missing a workout due to parties or gym closures are eliminated.

4. Plan Your Cheat Days Wisely.
I have to say that I am an expert at this one. Reason for this is because Thanks Giving is on the 24th, my birthday is on December 5th, my anniversary on December 17th, Christmas on the 25th and New Year’s on the 31. So those are my cheat days. My advise is to attempt to space cheat days with at least 5-6 days in between, 6 being the better choice.

5. Eat Your Cheat Meals Wisely.
When you have a cheat meal, start eating the protein portion first as this will get you to start getting full. Leave the carbs for the end of the meal. Also, try to not stuff yourself. Instead allocate four hours and a half of cheating per cheat day. This will allow for 3 cheat meals (one every 90 minutes). After your cheat period, go back on your regular diet.

6. Have a tough workout before you cheat to minimize fat gain and maximize muscle.
Reason for this is because after a workout the body is primed to absorb nutrients in the form of proteins and carbohydrates. Thus, having a cheat meal afterwards will ensure that most nutrients are used for recovery and muscle production.

7. Take 200mcg of Chromium Picolinate and 300 mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid.
Taking 200mcg of Chromium Picolinate and 300 mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid at the beginning of your cheat period helps to increase your cell’s ability to accept insulin, and thus, assimilate the extra carbohydrates better. As a matter of fact, increasing insulin sensitivity is one of the reasons why I like to have a big workout prior to the cheat period.

8. Have some EFA’s with your cheat meal.
Research indicates that some Essential Fats like the ones found on flax oil or fish oils have anti-lipolitic properties. In other words, they inhibit some of the enzymes responsible for fat storage. By taking these fats with your first cheat meal of your cheat period, you can minimize some of the damage. One tablespoon of Carlson Fish Oils or Spectrum Flaxseed Oil should do the trick. Capsules can be used but you would need 10-14 of them to equal a tablespoon of the liquid version.

9. Take some digestive enzymes with each one of your cheat meals.
This will ensure maximum nutrient assimilation and will also help you avoid feelings of excessive fullness and indigestion.

10. Three to five hours after the cheat period has ended have a 30-minute walk.
I’m not talking about anything strenuous; around 2.5 to 3 miles per hour is a good pace. Doing some cardiovascular activity after the cheat period has ended will start burning some of the carbohydrates that may still be lingering around. The more of these you burn, the less likelihood of storing body fat. If you cannot do this walk on the same day of the cheat period then try it on the morning after on an empty stomach.

Stay Strong~~!!!