Testosterone is a vital hormone for the health and well-being of women and its deficiency can seriously impact their health. Going by the research facts, it is seen that by the age of 40, the testosterone in women drops down to half of what it was at age 20. Removal of the ovaries also causes testosterone levels to drop by as much as 50%. Low levels of this hormone may cause loss of sexual desire, energy, sexual responsiveness and weaker orgasms in women, and may also increase the risk of osteoporosis.

Side Effects of Testosterone Therapy in Women

Testosterone therapy, which has always been considered a remedy for men only, is also possible and sometimes necessary for women as well. During menopause, a loss of significant amounts of testosterone and estrogen is seen in women, which may cause fatigue, night sweats, or hot flashes.

Testosterone therapy is a possible solution to maintain the hormonal balance and help to increase sex drive, bone strength, and sometimes, for the treatment of osteoporosis in women. In some cases, the therapy helps the removal of poisonous hormones and cells in a woman's body; even more so, in those who suffer from breast cancer. Testosterone therapy is prescribed as a pill or injection, and also given in the form of a cream or gel to the female patients. There are certain side effects of testosterone therapy in women. These are as follows.

Increased Acne and Facial Hair: Acne are generally caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units and hormonal activities, like menstrual cycles and puberty. It is also caused as a side effect of testosterone therapy in women, along with problems, like growth of facial hair and increased masculinity in face. This side effect is common, and besides scarring, it causes psychological symptoms, like reduced self-esteem.

Mood Changes: Frequent mood swings are possible, in the case of testosterone therapy. It can be considered as a side effect because the mood changes are prominent and easily noticeable by the people around the patient.

Voice Alteration: Voice alteration is also a side effect of testosterone therapy in women. The women undergoing this therapy may experience a sudden change in their voice. The changes may be like deepening of voice, which might appear strange to the patient as well as the people around her.

Liver Problems: Liver problems rarely occur as the side effect of testosterone therapy in women. These are uncommon, however, if the patient undergoing the therapy, complains of pain in liver, excessive thirst and frequent urination, immediate consultation with a doctor becomes necessary.

Enlarged Clitoris: Enlargement of clitoris is a less common side effect of testosterone therapy for women. The enlargement may be caused by various other reasons too, so a doctor should be consulted before considering it as a side effect of the therapy.

If a woman feels that testosterone therapy is important for her, she should inquire about the various forms of therapy that are available. The side effects of the therapy should also be considered, and it advisable to follow certain healthy habits, such as exercising more regularly and eating a healthy diet, in order to make the testosterone therapy work faster.