Benefits of Stretching Exercises With Resistance Bands

Have you ever tried stretching with free weights like a dumbell or kettlebell? No, I didn’t think so. Resistance bands provide a great dynamic stretching tool. Resistance band flexibility training should be an important component in your exercise program. Stretching properly and consistently will help you improve or maintain your flexibility. Stretching will make you see better results with your workouts.
The main benefits of resistance band flexibility workouts include improved performance and increased muscle recovery time. Let me explain.

Good muscle flexibility will allow your joints to move through a greater range of motion with less effort. Good flexibility will allow you to improve resistance band workouts by increasing your arm and leg reach for specific resistance band flexibility exercises. Performing exercises with a greater ROM will make you see results faster.

Improved muscle recovery is a secondary benefit of flexibility workouts using resistance bands. Muscle recovery is very important with any form of strength training. Stretching can reduce muscle tightness and help you to perform better in your next training session.

Include lower body stretches for your quads, hams, glutes and calves. Include upper body stretches for your back, chest shoulders and arms. Warm back up for 3-5 minutes after stretching to properly prepare your muscles for the increase in intensity during your resistance band training routine. Finish your workout with a good stretch after you complete your cool-down (15-20 minutes).

Before you begin stretching with a resistance band you must establish good balance and alignment. Begin your stretch by slowly lengthening your muscles until you feel tightness. Hold the stretch. You should not feel pain! Take slow, deep breaths and focus your energy on relaxing the muscles that you are stretching. When you feel the muscles relax, you can slowly increase your stretch as you exhale. Release your stretch slowly after 20+ seconds.

There are many other benefits of total flexibility with resistance bands, but the best reason to stretch is that it makes you feel good. Make stretching a reward to your muscles for their training efforts. A good stretch can relax your body and your mind. It will give you an opportunity to reflect upon your efforts and provide you a sense of well-being and satisfaction.