Turning on your bodies metabolic furnace is
of extreme importance in order to lose body
fat...BUT more importantly, to keep losing it!

That's real nice and all, but how do you go
about doing that?

Here are the basic KEYS to turning it on and
keeping it ramped up on overdrive 24/7...

"Food"...Frequency, Type, Quantity.

Your frequency of eating should happen every
2 ½ to 3 ½ hours throughout your day. That's
going to add up to 5 or 6 small mini-meals per

The first one should come within one hour of
getting up and the last one roughly 2 hours
before hopping into bed.

Food selections....

Your choice of foods is equally important to

You should be choosing minimally processed
foods and more whole foods (organic when possible).

Basically, if it comes in a box, bag or's
not the best choice and that's what we're talking
about. BEST choices for fat loss and of course
your health.

Whole foods such as...

~ Lean meats (grass fed when possible)

~ Fish and seafood (wild caught, not farmed)

~ Eggs (yolks are ok, especially organic omega-3 eggs)

~ Fruits

~ Vegetables

~ Nuts and Seeds

~ Beans

~ Whole grains (in moderation and sprouted when possible)

Those should be the basis of your nutritional plan.

It's not sexy or "trendy"'s just the simple
truth on getting toned up and healthy!!

Get a lean protein at each meal, add in a piece
of fruit and/or some colorful vegetables and
you'd be VERY hard pressed not to lose an
absolute TON of ugly body fat!

Even if you didn't consciously keep tabs on
the portion sizes, you'd find it very difficult
to over eat filling up on lean proteins, fruits
and vegetables at each meal.

You see, food interacts with our bodies in a
very specific way. Whole foods work naturally
with this process.

Processed foods DO NOT!

Whole foods are high in nutrients and tend to
be less calorically dense, so you can eat more
and still consume fewer calories.

With processed foods you get a wallop of
calories and marginal nutrition.

To top that off, they raise your blood sugar
faster, leave you feeling hungry quicker and
don't do you a bit of good regarding fat loss
OR your health.

I've heard many times over the years...

..."Eating healthy is so expensive"

Try time you're at the store, stay on the
outside aisle and buy nothing but the whole foods
we just talked about.

Make out your grocery list of the meals your going
to serve your family and the foods you're going
to eat, hopefully you're feeding your loved ones
healthy food too!

Figure out all the foods you'll need and don't
deviate off the list.

No sugary cereals, no breads, no boxed snacks,
no pasteurized juices, no soda, no prepackaged
meals, no frozen dinners, no alcohol, etc, etc.

Just your everyday run of the mill lean meats
and seafood (from the meat counter), fruits,
vegetables, eggs, some nuts and/or seeds
and beans (yes, you can purchase canned..
just be sure to rinse them first as they're
chock full of sodium).

Add in some low or non-fat dairy products like
cottage cheese or Greek yogurt and you're set.

If you don't save money or at least spend
equal amounts on these GOOD foods as
you would on all the other JUNK.....then you
aren't shopping correctly.

It doesn't cost any more to eat healthy and
even if it did, it's WAY worth it...don't you

After all, you are in this to better your
health, right?

So, get to work on your nutritional habits
and let's get your metabolism into Overdrive
instead of cruise control!!!!

Stay Strong~~!!!