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    Thread: DNP

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      been researching dnp a bit , reading the aricles on here, for those with personal experience with dnp what has been your experience , and best way to use it for first time dnp user trying to drop 4-5% b/f quickly

    2. #2
      Heavy_Duty's Avatar
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      Default Re: DNP

      Just some info I found real quick. Dan Duchaine reads are also very informative.

      Dinitrophenol or DNP is a bad word between body builders. Bodybuilders are using this chemical to increase their metabolism by 50% and raise physical body temperature by several degrees . When someone looks at the hot flashes that come with ECA (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin stack) use, and the boost of the metabolic process is only 3%, the real power of DNP starts to be realized.

      In the beginning, DNP was being used as an exploding substance, and after was introduced by Dan Duchaine. DNP is very popular in underground circles and extremely prohibited in over-the-counter supplement. In high-level muscle building, DNP is utilized to facilitate advanced athletes lose a lot of weight in a really short amount of time. A lot of fitness trainers and body-builders are against it. Even so, when thousands of dollars in profits are on the line, it is unknown how many professional athletes decide to use the DNP route to lose fat quick.

      Beside of growing hunger and burning off a heck of a lot of body fat, DNP gives a couple of negative side effects, which are likely better known than the favourable side effects. Human brain damage and death could happen from the overheating. At a fever of 104 , we run to the hospital because we want to keep of brain injuries. DNP will raise your body temperature by a few degrees, too much DNP, and you will die. It is so simple….

      Cancer is some other fear. DNP is a phenol, which means it releases many free radicals into the body. The effects of these complimentary radicals, the chemical compounds that cause cancer, are unidentified because there have not been many reports made on people utilizing DNP, because its usage is commonly secretive.

      The insignificant side effects of DNP are known also. Muscle-builders complain of sweating, discomfort, irritation, and insomnia. A curious side effect is yellow body fluids. None knows why this takes place, or just how severe it is. We only know that people release yellow fluids when using DNP. Remember that it was once used to fire up TNT. Numerous bodybuilders (almost 12%) have allergic reactions making the drug useless. Other muscle builders find themselves eating a lot.

      DNP is an underground drug. For dieting intentions, ECA and Clenbuterol are better for the risk-benefit analysis. DNP is a shortcut for fast losings in body fat, something that the healthy bodybuilder keeps off. DNP is a dangerous drug that should be avoided by most of the bodybuilders.
      The Good

      Want to lose some weight? How about half a pound of fat a day, without dieting or doing cardio? What if the fat loss occurred primarily around your hips and waist? That's what dinitrophenol, or DNP, can do for you. It's for real and it works. But oh, I forgot - it can also kill you.

      DNP has been used as a dye, pesticide, explosive, wood preservative and metabolic inhibitor; the latter is an agent that stops the hotly from producing adenosine triphosphate (AlP). The food you eat, your own body fat and muscle can all he broken down, absorbed and converted into ATP. ATP then provides energy for your muscles to perform work. When DNP stunts the body's ability to make ATP, the body compensates by converting more fat into ATP, and voila, you lose weight fast. The reason you lose fat so fast is because your metabolism is increased 1w up to 50% or more. That means if you normally burn 2,000 calories a day, you'll burn 3,001) calories while taking DNP, and most of the fat loss occurs around the hips and abdomen. We aren't even talking about restricting calories or exercising! DNP can also improve certain disorders like hypertension.

      The Bad

      So if it works so well, why isn't everyone using DNP? To answer that, let's backtrack to World War I. French monitions workers manufactured DNP for use as an explosive From 1916-1918, 36 deaths were attributed to DNP exposure in munitions factories; the workers were absorbing it through their skin and lungs, and levels of this chemical got so high in their bodies that they died. Some of them died from fevers as high as 115 degrees F. Now here's the really freaky stuff, When some of these people were examined, their bode temperatures continued to increase although they were cleat!! Their autopsies revealed that they had almost no body fat.

      Well along come the 1930s and some U.S. physicians decide to give DNP a try for weight loss. Their rationale was that since DNP induces such massive fat loss, perhaps in a controlled environment it would he beneficial in treating obesity. It began to grow popular and by 1934 more than 20) wholesale drug firms rnarketed DNP. Its use spread to Canada, Great Britain. France, Sweden, Italy and Austria. Then reports started coming in of side effects edema (swelling), joint stiffness and pain, headaches, dizziness, vomiting, fever, skin lesions and skin rashes. Then, around 1933-l935, death reports started appearing in the Journal of the American Medical Association and other medical journals. The problems were occurring at normal dosages; some people didn't lose weight at those doses and, even worse, others died. DNP was prescribed at dosages of 3-5 mg per 2.2 pounds (1 kg) of bodyweight per day.' At doses up to 10mg per 2.2 pounds of bodyweight per day. metabolism could increase up to 50%. At doses above this (mostly for animal studies), metabolism could increase up to four times. Some people would experience extremely severe allergic reactions from an initial dose; skin eruptions would form and take some time to heal. Others died at the lowest dose prescribed. Toxic or lethal closes in humans vary significantly front person to person. Some can't handle even the lowest dosage, while others may not experience the metabolic effects even at twice the standard dose.

      The Ugly

      Used in studies to damage cells, including muscle cells, DNP causes alterations in cell structures that can be permanent. Because DNP prevents insulin molecules from attaching to muscle cells, insulin can't do its job if increasing the uptake of amino acids and glucose. If a bodybuilder were to take it to get ripped, for example, an anabolic hormone such as insulin wouldn't be able to stimulate muscle growth. DNP also inhibits production of thyroid hormones and prevents them from working properly in the body. The list goes on and on. As a final example, immune cells lose their ability to "eat" foreign cells and material, increasing susceptibility to disease and impairing most ATP-dependent functions.

      DNP also causes hand tremors and profuse sweating, as well as more serious far-reaching effects. After going off DNP, individuals may or may not gain back more fat than before, depending on how screwed up their thyroid hormones are and what they're doing in terms of diet, and exercise. Ten years go by, and why is it getting so dark? The final surprise: Even after years of not using DNP, a number of people get cataracts. What's it going to be? Ripped, less muscle and dead, or a hit more aerobic work and alive? DNP isn't worth the risks. Fortunately, the compound is hard to come by and difficult to make at home. Don't be misled if your buddy tried it and says it worked great for him. He can still get cataracts in the future, and you can still die from using the same dosage.
      DNP is not a drug for everyone, especially not for a beginner who just wants to lose a couple of pounds to get a six-pack… Without proper education on its use, DNP will be fatal. DNP is a very deadly drug, and should be taken extremely seriously. DNP is the most effective fat burners in the bodybuilding community, but yet is also one of the most complex. Even if you have years of research behind you, it does not matter. There is no room for error.

      What is DNP?
      So what exactly is DNP? DNP stands for 1,4 Dinitrophenol. Stanford University conducted a study on dinitrophenol; the study showed that DNP indefinitely does cause dramatic weight-loss. After this happened physicians then prescribed this drug to obese patients. After it proved its effectiveness it than hit the markets for nearly 20 years, as a powerful weight-loss aid. The FDA sooner or later found out that DNP caused cataract formation in females. This study turned out to be false, yet the FDA still has taken it off the market, for no human consumption whatsoever. You may purchase DNP in certain states with a special license stating that it is going to be used for pesticide, but you will be arrested on the spot if they find out it’s for human consumption, even doctors cannot prescribe it. Before all of these studies took place DNP was once used in the early 20th century to dye a yellow casting on wood, as a pesticide, and even used in the process of igniting dynamite.

      What are the side effects?
      Overheating - your temperature will raise while on DNP. Some people have a temperature of 101 and stay there all day long. Imagine jogging at a slow pace all day long, this will be what it will feel like.

      Insomnia - you will try to sleep, but it is so hot that you’re at the point of getting little to no sleep at all.

      Dehydration - you will sweat a lot while on this drug, without a doubt. Keep water to 2-3 gallons a day while on DNP to keep hydrated.

      Electrolyte depletion - When you sweat a lot, you also sweat out a lot of vital things, such as electrolytes. Keep up with your potassium and salts. Not doing this can lead to excessive lethargy, poor cardiac function, nausea, low blood pressure, and diarrhea.

      Headaches - Due to dehydration

      Lethargy - you will feel like you do not have the energy for anything. DNP depletes the body of ATP production, and you will get tired very easily; even eating food feels like a challenge.

      Death - even one milligram over the recommended dose will kill you! This is not a joke. It will fry you from the inside out

      Types of DNP
      There are two forms of 2,4 dinitrophenol currently on the market, pure crystalline (100% dry) DNP, and powdered DNP (usually 5-10% moisture). The powdered DNP usually takes a little longer to “kick in” compared to the crystalline DNP; it is also less effective (but will still work). More caution needs to be used while using the crystalline version. This version is much stronger and much more effective. More cautiousness needs to be used while using it. It acts much faster, and the side effects also settle in faster as well.

      Please note: it takes until about the third-fourth day to notice any side effects. If you do not notice side effects do not take more. It is working. More is NOT better when screwing with a dangerous compound.

      The average recommended dose for DNP is 200mg per day, for the first three days. I suggest taking it early morning, that way you can sleep better at night. Take each capsule in 24hr intervals.

      After the three days end you may up the dose to 400mg. You will notice more sides. Do not take it all at once! Do it in 12hr intervals

      It is common, but not suggested that people get to 600mg. I highly suggest not doing it, unless you have years of research and an experienced user by your side that is able to visualize all vital side effects. I would suggest taking DNP for 10-14 days max. Because of added water retention, the user often looks their best 3-7 days after their last dose since the stored water gets depleted after this period.

      Ask yourself....why exist if you can't be the best? What is YOUR answer?

    3. #3
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      I've done DNP and I choose not to do it again I started with 200mg and it wasn't bad , but once you start to raise the dosage you get to feeling like crap and very lathargic. I gave the rest of what I had to a friend and he gave it away as well- I'd say just diet and exercise

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      Default Re: DNP

      From what I've read you almost need to take 7-10 days off and be home in misery. Whatever you wear will get soaked in yellowish goo.........you constantly need to monitor your temperature and the sides you can potentially experience are about as severe as any substance can offer.

      I have however always been enticed by the sheer thought of how something could work so effectively in such a short period of time.
      Ask yourself....why exist if you can't be the best? What is YOUR answer?

    5. #5
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      thank you guys, as said it just out of interest sake, i was considering maybe a short 200mg a day cycle done properly, not to interested in raising it above there, but i dont feel i have that much to lose, so going to rely on diet (keto at this stage) and cardio.

      will see how i am in 4 weeks or so fat wise, might consider it then after much more research and report back.but like you guys not to keen on 7-10 days of feeling like that

    6. #6
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      I'd lean more towards T3 and Clen before I'd hit DNP again

    7. #7
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      been looking at a clen cycle again, havent done t3 though

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      Default Re: DNP

      Quote Originally Posted by deepsouth View Post
      I'd lean more towards T3 and Clen before I'd hit DNP again
      I would echo this statement.

      I also believe it may be cheaper as well....but not 100% on DNP prices.
      Ask yourself....why exist if you can't be the best? What is YOUR answer?

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      do not use it i promise u its not worth the risk

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