I just recently started working out again (this is my second week) after a few years layoff in which I gained quite a bit of fat. I have already started drinking a lot of water and cutting out my sugars. I have also started to make sure that I eat every few hours....this hasn't become habit yet as I still miss some meals.

Now I want to start planning out what ratios I need to look for with each meal for maximum muscle growth and weight loss. This will include the pre and post workout nutrition. My goal is to lose the body fat before I concentrate on anything else.

I am currently 5'8" 180lbs and I have no idea what my bf% is, but I am guessing that is very high teens if not 20%. I am currently using whey protein, BCAAs, creatine (pill form), Black powder NO, and a mutli. I was taking Xenadrine but didn't really notice anything, so I don't think I will buy any more of that.

My questions are:

1) Where should I start as far as protein/carb/fat ratios?
2) Are the digital weight scales that measure BF% that accurate? and
3) When should I be taking my supplements? I have been using the whey protein at about 4:45. Taking the BCAAs,creatine, and Black powder at about 5:15. Then hit the gym at 6:00. Then once I am done with the workout, I immediately take creatine and BCAAs. After my meal, I will have a protein shake before bed.

I really think that if I get my diet at least partially straigtened out, then I will see results quickly as it seems like I have a very high metabolism. I knew that if I made it 2 weeks at the gym, then it would feel like a routine again and I would get into it. Well, I can say that I am excited about working out again and I can't wait to start seeing the results!!!