Like anorexia, in which individuals will focus their attention on a perceived defect. With anorexics, the defect is being too fat. With bigorexics, it's being too skinny. Bigorexia is in fact sometimes known as reverse anorexia.

Bigorexia currently affects thousands of men and women worldwide, but the condition is most common in males and often begins during the late teens. Bigorexia is most commonly seen in individuals who would already be considered muscular by the average person.

It is important to note that not all bodybuilders are bigorexic. There is a difference between wanting to get bigger and being obsessed and unsatisfied with one's body.
  • Symptoms of bigorexia include:

    • Spending hours a day obsessing on the notion one's physique is under-developed
    • Checking the mirror repeatedly throughout the day
    • Missing important events that may interfere with training
    • Excessive use of performance enhancing drugs
    • Training with injuries and/or illnesses
    • Hiding one's body
    • Avoiding social events that may require wearing a swimsuit
    • Rarely eating at restaurants or someone else's home
    • Developing eating disorders such as bulimia
    • Constantly comparing one's physique to others
    • Never feeling satisfied with one's appearance
    Even though there are many people out there who are currently suffering from this illness, as of yet there have been no specific programs developed to treat muscle dysmorphia.

If you feel you can relate to Bill's story and have many of the symptoms listed above, the best first step would probably be seeing your doctor who may be able to refer you to a specialist with experience treating bigorexia. Know that you're not alone. There's no need to spend any more time listening to the lies the mirror tells you.