I'm working on a website for a client and I have very limited scripting/write code. I have always use GoLive to develop the sites and I know I still have a lot to learn. This client wants drop-down menus. I found a site that will generate the codes for you, but I'm running into a couple of problems. Can anyone help?

I copied the code into a blank html page and everything looks good. I wanted to use this html page as a "component" and insert it into the space for the top navigation bar. When I try to place the component, GoLive shuts down... quits. I have to restart program.

Instead of using a component I insert the code into the navigation bar space. Once again everything looks great. Publish the page to site. Then the links aren't found the page has this error message:

"Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. "
The other problem is the site that I used to generate the code replaces the "home" botton with "Buy Now!" and this link leads back to their page.

I'm guess at this point have to buy their program in order to get rid of that.