Study Shows CLA Use Helps Reduce Body Fat

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has published a strict, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study which shows that CLA supplementation reduces body fat mass in healthy overweight humans. The study also demonstrated that the reduction in body fat was greatest in those with highest body mass index (BMI), and in women.

What Is CLA?

CLA, or Conjugated Linoleic Acid, is an omega-6 fatty acid that has shown great promise for aiding in the fight against body fat. CLA is found naturally in certain animal products. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to get in enough beneficial CLA without eating too much red meat and also taking in a lot of excess calories and bad fats.

How the Study was Performed

This study was designed to show the effect of CLA supplementation on the body composition of overweight persons on an unrestricted diet for one full year. Exercise was not included in the study parameters. The volunteers who participated in the study where men and women ages 18-65 with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 25-30. This is a BMI range that is considered overweight. A BMI of 18-24.5 is considered healthy.

None of the participants were receiving drug therapy, on a special diet or taking any diet supplements for weight loss. And importantly, no restrictions in lifestyle or caloric intake were given.

Each participant was given 4.5 grams of olive oil (placebo) or 4.5 grams CLA. Daily doses were taken in 6 opaque softgel capsules, identical in taste and appearance. Highly accurate dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was used to determine body composition.

The Effects of CLA Supplementation on Weight, BMI, and Body Composition

Body weight and BMI decreased significantly the CLA group during 12 months of supplementation. There was no change in the placebo group.

After 12 months, BFM (Body Fat Mass) was significantly lower in the CLA supplemented subjects than in placebo-supplemented groups. Even after 6 months, researchers observed lower BFM in the CLA subjects. The placebo group dropped out at the same rate as CLA group, showing CLA is tolerated as well as olive oil.


Supplementation with CLA for one year significantly lowered body fat mass (BFM) in comparison with placebo group and tended to induce higher lean body mass (LBM).