Theres so much to deal with in life lately that I have tried to not pay attention to political shit and focus my mind on what I can control, but this Obama, pickin this radical peurto rican chick is worth pukin over. sayin "I want her confirmed! I want her to march up those marble steps and start dealing out som justice!!!".. What the fuk is he talkin about??
damn I was hopin this obama would do an ok job so I wouldnt have to be irritated by him but now this shit is just too much to ignore..%$#@!!!!

Im sorry but who can even look at sonia sodermayer(sic) without seeein her as an ugly fat angry pissed off bicitch witch who cant stand white guys??
our founding fathers never intended for some fat angry bi ch to be tellin people what to doshe can kiss my ass beyitch what a crock-o shit