While there is much talk about amino acids in general, many people don't take much time to differentiate between them and learn what benefits each one has, while taking the time to learn if they should be supplementing with the individual amino acids to promote the most optimal health and results from their training as possible.
One such amino acid, which is especially important for those who are looking to build muscle is L-Citrulline.
The primary role of L-Citrulline in the body is to support the optimization of blood flow to the tissues, which is critical for helping you not only perform your workouts to the best of your abilities, but also to speed up recovery.

L-Citrulline Helps To Speed Up Recovery.

If blood flow is not optimal, you're more likely to find that you won't be able to get into the gym on a regular basis since you're body is going to be taking more time repairing the body tissues after each workout you do.
When blood flow is optimal, however, the body will be delivering essential nutrients to the muscle tissues, including both carbohydrates and protein that are necessary for recovery, so you won't see nearly the same performance declines as you otherwise would.