Do You Know Your Testosterone Level?

Do You Know Your Testosterone Level? Read The Recent Research Below To Find Out Why You Should!

High Levels Of Testosterone In Men Linked To Lower Risk Of Death From All Causes

The largest study of ever conducted has shown that high natural levels of testosterone in men are associated with low mortality from all causes, cardiovascular causes, and cancer. The authors suggest that low testosterone may be a predictive marker for those at high risk of cardiovascular disease.

One Out Of Four Men Over 30 Have Low Testosterone Levels

(Journal of Clinical Endo. & Metabolism; Sept 2007) – As men age, they are more likely to experience symptoms such as lack of sex drive and erectile dysfunction as a result of low levels of testosterone, the researchers explain. Low testosterone can indicate androgen deficiency if it is accompanied by low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis or fracture, and two or more of the following: sleep disturbance, depressed mood, lethargy or diminished physical performance.

Low Testosterone May Shorten The Lives Of Men Over 50

(Circulation; June 2007) -- Researchers at the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine conducted a long-term study involving 800 men over an 18-year period and found that those with low testosterone carried a 33 per cent higher risk of death compared with those who had higher levels.

Today's Men Have 20% Lower Testosterone Levels Than Their Counterparts From 15 Years Ago

(Journal of Clinical Endo.; Nov 2006) – Over the last two decades, American men have made a number of major lifestyle changes--taking on a greater share of the housework, consuming an ever-widening array of skin-care products and even leaving jobs to stay home and raise the kids while their well-paid wives earn the dough. Now, a new study published online in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism suggests that today's men are also changing on the inside: sporting significantly lower testosterone levels than their counterparts 10 or 20 years ago.

Decline In Testosterone Levels With Aging Causes Loss Of Muscle And Increase In Body Fat

(Int. Journal of Impotence Res; Sept. 2007) – Restoring healthy testosterone levels increases muscle and strength and decreases body fat in the aging male.

Excessive Levels Of Estrogenic Chemicals Present In Adult U.S. Males

(Environ Health Perspect.; June 2007) – A large national cross-sectional study has shown elevated levels of phthalate metabolites, a widely used family of chemicals, that are estrogen mimics and anti-androgens and contribute to the prevalence of obesity, insulin resistance, and related hormonal disorders. Unlike PCB’s and other persistent organic contaminants, phthalates are rapidly metabolized.

Salivary Testosterone Is Once Again Shown To Be A Reliable Assessment For Male Hormonal Health

(Clin Endocrinol.; Nov 2007) – Salivary testosterone is a harmless and reliable marker of testosterone bio-availability. The results of this study support the inclusion of this bio-marker as a noninvasive approach in the diagnosis of male hormone health.