One day in my kitchen...


Ok breakfast is a *****. Running around, trying to get dressed and ready, etc. So plan ahead, I cook a lot on the weekends and plan a night during the week, usually Wednesday for resupply.

get a glass casserole dish, spray with butter flavor PAM and preheat the oven to 300. In a mixing bowl add the following;
one carton Egg Beaters( 99% egg whites)
1 cup browned ground turkey, or chicken
6-8 oz low fat cheese shreds, or crumbles
1 cup chopped red and green peppers
1/2 cup chopped green onions
1 spoonful red pepper flakes (optional)
low salt seasonings to taste

carb options, if you can stand them;
1 cup cooked rice, or
1 cup cooked grits (cheese, or bacon flavor is nice)

Place all ingredients in casserole after mixing and bake for 20 min. or until eggs are set. Cut into serving size squares and you have breakfast for at least a day or two unless you eat it all before lunch.

Lunch on the run is a hit or miss thing...
packing nutrition to go is easier if you get the right containers and plan for a microwave heat up. Asian foods make this easier too.

Brown several pounds of chicken breasts on the grill brushed with coconut oil, or in a skillet using coconut oil. (you can use these as a base for several variation on lunch)

2 Chicken breasts chopped into bite sizes
2 cups cooked rice with 1/2 cup of coconut milk,
1 cup chopped spinach
1 tsp garlic
1 tblsp coconut oil
lemongrass and galangal to taste (a little goes a long way)
check Asian markets for these and other goodies...

place the oil in a skillet and heat
add the chicken and heat it through
add the garlic
add the rice and coconut milk
add the chopped spinach
add the lemongrass and galangal
add a splash of sesame oil for aroma and you got 2 LUNCHES to go!

even better after a day in the fridge...


Look for buys on roasts at the store...

2-3 pound lean roasts should cost you 3.00/pound or so.
add a cup of red wine
1 tsp chopped garlic
1 pound of red potatoes
2-3 onions
place meat wine and garlic in a casserole and put in oven at 350
30 min or so until browned, turn over for the other side

add remaining ingredients and top loosely with aluminum foil and turn down to 300 for 2-3 hours. re-heating portions is easy for dinner or lunch on the run.

When you eat 6 times a day you end up rotating the menu, I eat so much chicken that anything else is a treat. Chicken is a challenge to keep interesting but if you try it can be done. Same with the leaner cuts of beef.

I'll post more if there is interest. Lots of foreign influences in my kitchen.