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    Thread: This really pisses me off!

    1. #1
      blkturbo's Avatar
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      Default This really pisses me off!

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      • This really pisses me off!
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      • This really pisses me off!
      • This really pisses me off!
      Guys, I just took notice of a TYPICAL newbie thread in "anobolic discussion".......it's titled simply as "questions???"

      Well, I'm new on this board also and was mature enough (age 30) to take the time to read the 'newbies must read' post or whatever....since this is obviously a forums of sensitive/legal topics etc. and I respect that.

      On to my point.....I also posted a few days ago in the "anabolic discussion" forums and got zero response of any kind, good or bad........I asked a moderator for opinions on something I might have done "wrong" and was again ignored.
      So, back to this other guy's typical newbie post.....It's freakin titled "QUESTIONS????" and it included the statement of knowing *nothing* about roids and was asking what they *cost* and *what he should take*!!!!!!!!

      I mean piss, how newbie can anyone be?!?!?!?!???????

      Well, he got a whopping 23 responses to that CRAP and my post is lost somewhere on page 4 probably, with zero help.

      I am a member on other foums that I am knowledgeable about and I know how shit works.....so what gives????

      Thank you for reading while I vent.


    2. #2
      goliath.jr's Avatar
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      The burden of originality is one that most people don't want to accept. They'd rather sit in front of the TV and let that tell them what they are suppose to like, what they're suppose to buy, and what they're suppose to laugh at. You have Beavis and Butthead telling you what music you're allowed to like and not like, and you've got sitcoms that have canned laughter that lets you know when to laugh if you're too stupid to know when the joke is. People are too lazy and too stupid to think for themselves because America has raised them that way.

      mod @ superiormuscle.com

    3. #3
      THE JUICE's Avatar
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      Chill bro and have some beers and dont worry about it.

    4. #4
      34pumped's Avatar
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      bro that pisses me off too. the board is better than that.

    5. #5
      gongshow's Avatar
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      Mod @ SuperiorMuscle

      "The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses—behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights."
      Muhammad Ali

    6. #6
      gearedup's Avatar
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      Well lets see I never saw your post and your post was asking a very simple question that may not specifically be asked but was about taking 2 testosterones and how it would affect gains!
      Here is the thread:


      Now that is a very simple question that gets asked all the time, but we usually still answer these questions if someone does not answer your question then bump it to the top surely someone will answer it the posts on this board move so fast sometimes they get moved down and onto the next page so ideally you want to bump it when it gets to the top!

      Also if you would like a easy way to research info you can check our archives by clicking the small button at the bottom of the page on the forum or click URL=https://fitnessgeared.com/archive/]CLICK HERE FITNESSGEARED ARCHIVES[/URL] BY LOOKING HERE AND BUMPING YOUR THREAD SOMEONE WILL MORE THAN LIKELY HELP! (oops caps were on...)

      Basically you are asking 2 questions and honestly would have been better asking them in separate post to get better answers!

      1) What is people's experiences with "Test 4L-A" (sustanon 250) how did it work and what should I expect! Now with that question you can search for Loeffler sustanon (guessing it is Loeffler) and you can also search sustanon as well as getting help from your more direct post!

      2) Question 2 you are basically asking what it will be like taking 2 tests! Here is your basic question
      I'm just interested in what these two would do as a stack?
      where you are referring to your sustanon and also Test 200! Well for the answer to this question I would say your outcome will depend on how you eat and train and what mg per week you take also you can stack to tests but there is usually no point unless you know a good deal about esters and timing! It is really impossible to answer your outcome but the question of how will the stack be well to be honest it will be exactly like taking 450Mg's a week of Test 200 (I am considering you are taking 1ml of each).... now that is not the best stack and a wast IMO to use 2 different tests and nothing else in one cycle!\

      Maybe this will help you based on reading your first post you made I would not really answer it because it isn't that specific and broken down you can find all the info you need the the many thousands of posts we have!

      This board is probably one of the best regarding treating newbies with respect and helping.... that is what we are here for! If you asked this or any question that was not right or sounded different on say elite or some of the other boards then you would likely have gotten an array of flames and strange childish answers!

      Now don't get mad the next time a question does not get answered bump it up or think of how you could word it more interesting! I hope this post helped and maybe in the future you will make posts more specific so more people can answer them!

    7. #7
      blkturbo's Avatar
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      Gearedup, thank you for all that you wrote! I totally respect the entire response.

      However, for sake of discussion and resolving this entirely, here's what I have to say (in no particular ordrer):

      First - I *did not* get angry until I came across this other guys shitty newbie post....not just newbie, but shitty IMHO. So, I wasn't mad because i had no response, it was because I saw his post in comparison. I couldn't imagine a post more basic, newbie, unintelligent than his, from his thread title to his ?'s. Like I said, im on other forums and i do understand how things work.

      Second - I have been spending several searching and browsing hours looking for pics and literature on this 4L-A stuff. Well, I cant find shit that is in the least bit identical to what I have (to compare to).....as far as box, manufacturer (of sustanons), bottle size available etc. I originally did a search before i even posted and found nothing.

      Third - I have been clicking several links in the FAQ section and I have found some great info that I never expected, although I'm still having concerns with the sustanon issue:

      --I found info that sus does NOT come in 10ml bottles (is the entirely true?!!?) and I do not appear to have a "Loeffler" brand or the others that Ive read. It's in a yellow and red Mexican box listing the 4 correct tests and amounts....leaving me a little confused about sus.

      To avoid rambling on in the incorrect forums section, I'll just add that I have no reason at all to think I was scammed.
      Further more, please move this thread or answer anything you feel is pertinant to what I need to know outside of what I'm finding on my own so far.

      Thank you!!!!

    8. #8
      rado's Avatar
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    9. #9
      BullFX's Avatar
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      Originally posted by rado

    10. #10
      gearedup's Avatar
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      If you have a digital camera take a pic and post it and someonme will nkow what it is also you can pm me the source and I will tell you if he is good or not many of the sources wold never sell a fake unless they did not know themselves!

    11. #11
      blkturbo's Avatar
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      Originally posted by gearedup
      If you have a digital camera take a pic and post it and someonme will nkow what it is also you can pm me the source and I will tell you if he is good or not many of the sources wold never sell a fake unless they did not know themselves!

      geardup.....I dont have a digital, however, I stand to correct myself ------> as it turns out this IS a Loeffler type.

      As this is the firs time I ever had sustanon passed my way (i dont go 'out of my' way to buy because of money and caution) it is the first time I've ever owned a bottle of it......so, it's details are very new to me other than the fact that it's a 4-test blend.

      Thank you VERY much Geardup for rising above the rest and simply giving me a mature freakin answer so as to get past all the gradeschool bullshit.


    12. #12
      blkturbo's Avatar
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      Originally posted by 34pumped
      bro that pisses me off too. the board is better than that.

      Thanks for feeling my pain
      And I hope you're right.

    13. #13
      trip's Avatar
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      It may not be comforting, though the reality of how many responses a question gets is a lot of times very random, and has sometimes little to do with the quesion.

      If a q is asked and lots of folks are on the board and the thing gets a quick two or three reponses people look at it, and if the views go up, more people look at it.

      Like geared said, although the other guys question might have been more newbieish, it was probably several times easier to answer by ten times more people, so it got some initial hits, and their you go.

      I read your q's and had a little difficulty understanding what you were really asking, and did not reply because had no information that would have helped you.

      Have A Good Weekend

    14. #14
      blkturbo's Avatar
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      Originally posted by blm9376
      Damn with an attitude like that who would want to answer your questions. You are not any more special than that "typical" newbie and just becuase you are 30yrs old does not automatically make you mature. Take it easy big guy. I agree the individual you referred to should have done more research but at least he was honest and said he had no clue...so people pointed him in the right direction.

      Ummm, what attitude are you refering to exactly.....the "gradeschool bullshit" comment?
      And who knows, maybe my post (of aggrevation, NOT attitude) about this other guy's post will clean up a little of the *severely* newbie posts for yall
      I agree though, 30 or any age doesn't automatically make anyone a qualified mature person.....however, it was mainly added to avoid being accidentally viewed as maybe a 16yr old too lazy to search for shit etc. (notice the sentence it's placed in).

      In the meantime......you're also saying:

      if someone is "dumb" to an entire subject matter, yet they admit total ignorance, they are automatically excluded from ALL of the newbie warnings on a forums??? hmmm, that would be screwed up

    15. #15
      blkturbo's Avatar
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      • This really pisses me off!
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      • This really pisses me off!
      • This really pisses me off!
      • This really pisses me off!
      • This really pisses me off!
      • This really pisses me off!
      Originally posted by basskiller
      Ttokkyo had some sustanon in a 10ml vial I don't think that is what you have but...

      Well, this is definitely the Loeffler stuff and it's mexican (dont know if loeffler is only mex or whatever) , but I'm sorta surprised that I haven't found pics on it. I just thought it was common enough to get direct literature on it (as far as the 4L-A suffix goes).

      Anyway, at this point Im still searching through the millions of associated links and weeding through some of the terminology to find what compliments this stuff well.....i'm getting dizzy from all the reading
      I now understand the taking it with simply another test would be sorta spinning my wheels and mainly adding a higher dose of ester, correct?
      Me and the guy I got this from have mutual friends from the hood, has very fair prices, and he's a strong/reliable/honest source.....so, as soon as I can find a complimentary drug that interests me and my goals, I'll get with him again before just taking the sus. I know he has more shit to dump (me and my buds have first pick basically) and the clock is ticking.


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