Never heard of the guy
In what will probably go down in history as the most audacious statement ever, David Axelrod, chief strategist for Barack Obama, now claims that Obama had no idea who Ayers was when he started his political career at Ayers’ house.


Barack Obama’s top political adviser said today Obama “didn’t know the history” of unrepentant bomber William Ayers’ activities in the violent Weather Underground movement when the candidate attended a political event at Ayers’ home in 1995.

“When he went he certainly didn’t know the history,” chief Obama strategist David Axelrod told CNN - arguing for the first time since the story surfaced early this year that Obama was unaware of Ayers’ past.

Really Mr. Axelrod? You actually expect us to believe that someone who claimed his favorite book during his youth was The Autobiography of Malcolm X had no idea whatsoever who the Weather Underground was? He never ever heard a word about them. Sure. Uh huh.

Whatever you say Axelrod.

Well David, the truth is finally coming out of your mouth. You honestly believe that the American people that haven’t hopped onto your Hope like hell they never figure this swindle out Bus are dumber than rocks. We are to suppose to believe that a Harvard educated politician never even discussed what happened in the late sixties. Moreover, he never heard a peep about the Weather Underground until after 1995.

One thing is for certain. Either Obama is the biggest liar in the entire world or he was the dumbest, most out of touch Harvard student in the history of that fine institution. It would sure explain why he won’t release his records.

But wait… there’s more.

“There’s no evidence that they’re close,” Axelrod added.

“There’s no evidence that Obama in any way subscribed to any of Ayers’ views. And Obama’s been very clear about condemning the despicable acts that Bill Ayers committed 40 years ago when Obama was 8 years old.”

Methinks thou do protest too much Mr. Axelrod. No evidence? What exactly does that mean? That a thug Chicago machine has intimidated so many people that not even one person was willing to come forward to speak the truth? Maybe they are all involved with Ayers and bringing him down brings you all down.

Seems the most likely explanation to me.

Welcome to Kool-Aid Obama Land!

Obama worked for a terrorist.
But he isn’t one.

Obama went to a racist, anti-American church for 20 years.
But he is a post-racial patriot.

Obama accepted financial favors from a convicted felon.
But he had no idea who the guy was.

I fully expect Axelrod’s new explanation will become the DNC talking point overnight. After all, David Axelrod would never lie about anything. Obama either.

I feel a ROAR coming on.