
Obama has ties to many Middle Eastern Terrorist and Anti-Americans: Ayers, Khalidi, Hugo Chavez/Code Pink, Rev. Wright, Iran and more who have helped him raise campaign money.

Obama introduced the Global Poverty Act which gives $845 billion of our dollars to the UN to distribute to foreing countries many of whom are
corrupt and will enrich themselves. Amounts to $2500 annually pertaxpayer.

Obama was the second highst recipient of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac donations designed to keep regulators off their backs; thus the financial debacle
that exists presently.

Obama flip flops on FISA and many other promises he made. He can't be trusted to keep promises if elected.

Obama with a democratic Congress can pretty well do what he wants to ruin this country (no checks and balances)

Obama has violated the Logan Act by asking Iraqui officials to delay troop withdrawal negotiations with the Bush administration.

Obama says he is a Washington outsider and will make change but he appoints a 35 yr. INSIDER for his VP.

Obama needs to be asked specifically WHAT changes he would make and how would affect our freedoms. (adversly is the answer in general)