It is increasingly clear that Obama sees everyone who does not agree with him as "The Other." He is tone deaf to any group that is not a latte liberal elitist. i always said he was marketing a boutique campaign to a niche market.

We have now seen him attack:

average white people who are in their core "racist"
people who cling to guns and religion
folks who can't use computers
powerful women
Hillary wing of the democratic party
babies who are "punishment" to their parents who are not married
the one successful Dem President in the last 30 years

And he is incredibly STUPID and ARROGANT - as a person and a politician to think you can insult people and still get their vote.

MACPALIN in their humility and servant's heart are going to win this election in a LANDSLIDE in the biggest smackdown ever of an elitist arrogant out of touch liberal democrat.