Barry O a Liar and Hypocrite on Earmarks


Barry O a Liar and Hypocrite on Earmarks
September 7, 2008

To hear Barry O tell it he is Mr. Reformer. And if you have paid attention to what The One said about Sarah Palin you would get the impression that she is the Queen of Earmarks. But what of Barry O’s own request for earmarks? Wouldn’t you expect him to have the same record as the real Mr. Reformer, John McCain that doesn’t accept earmarks? EVER. Nope. It seems that once again Barry O has adopted a position that is convenient during an election but has no basis in reality otherwise.

Obama: No earmarks for 2009

Last year Sen. Barack Obama, submitted a laundry list of federal funding requests, known as earmarks, to the Senate Appropriations Committee: 112 earmarks totaling more than $330 million in taxpayer funds.

And that was just last year. So how is it that Precious can claim to be against earmarks? That’s the easy part. He changed his mind. But I am sure you never would have imagined that.

This year, as the Senate funding request deadline approaches and the final primaries of the Democratic nomination process draw near, Obama’s staff told CNN the junior senator from Illinois will request no earmarks for fiscal year 2009.

Convenient eh? He took this position AFTER he started running for President. And it isn’t retroactive.

And what has Sarah Palin done in the same time? She began in January whittling down earmarks requested by her state by nearly $300 million dollars. So Sarah cut almost as much as Obama requested. Not bad at all. Real change as opposed to just talking about it like someone else we know only too well. Unfortunately.

Here is how Obama made his announced new position.

“We can no longer accept a process that doles out earmarks based on a member of Congress’ seniority, rather than the merit of the project,” Obama’s statement said.

It sure sounds like he is whining because he is a junior Senator. It pisses him off that people with more experience than him get more goodies. Poor Barky. Woof Woof.

So he attacks. A woman. As usual. But what is he hiding?