Obama Trying to Cheat His Way Through the Swing States


Though the warning is about Ohio and how that campaign will be gamed, Obama has plans already in place in most of the critical states. So if your state is close in the polls, get into action and video these bus loads of new registrants and instant early voters and follow them with video camera on to the state they came from. He uses Black churches and college and high school students to pull off the fraud and gaming of the system. That is how he won North Carolina. Get educated about your state registration laws and early voting places and monitor and video the crimes.

Here is a warning from Cristi Adkins about OHIO.

Illinois Citizens are going to OH to vote for Obama

from: cristi@clintons4mccain.com

After a lengthy, but informative, political meeting on Tuesday night, I discovered information worthy of sharing.

First, the intelligence received was that there are rumors that the Obama Chicago Machine will be using church buses to drive Illinois citizens (Obama supporters) into Ohio and registering them to vote.

On the same day they register to vote, they will be casting absentee ballots.

I found this information disturbing to say the least, but also understand that this is 'typical' behavior in Chicago politics.

Now, I am not here to slander, but to express concerns that this simply cannot become the manner in which our next president is elected.

Having said that, there are a few things we can do to stop this.
1. Call Ohio FEC and ask more questions about the steps they will take to guard against this.
2. Increase awareness in OH citizens by posting comments on local papers, blogs are anywhere OH citizens might look online.
3. Call local OH papers and ask them to investigate this further or at least make their citizens aware of the possibility and keep their eyes peeled.
4. Become a poll worker...

I am asking you to either volunteer to work at your local polling place, or monitor activities there to ensure this doesn't happen in your area.

Monitors and workers can document any suspicious activity such as electioneering on premises, coercion, voter intimidation or fraud. These activities will be captured with camera phones and camcorders and archived where they exist.

Would you like to be involved in this effort?

Become a Poll Worker


Poll workers are essential to ensuring that elections are a success, and HAVA instructs EAC to assist election officials in their efforts to recruit, train, and retain poll workers.

Contact Your Election Office
Poll Worker FAQs
Poll Worker Requirements by State
Poll Worker Quick Start Guide

If you can join in this effort, please email admin@Clintons4mccain.com and let us know the state and precinct you will be working to help us gauge our coverage.

We believe that it is not enough to simply place your vote this election. It is vital for the future of a true democracy to thrive in America, and be the example worldwide, that average Americans get involved in the electoral process.

Everyone of us must do our part to ensure a fair and safe government protects the ideals of democracy and fairness in America.

By doing these simple items, you can, serve your country and show the world the real grit and spirit of Americans.

In this day and age, we need to restore our country, our process and be the example for democracy.

Take the high road and be kinder than necessary for everyone you know struggles with their own inner demons.
Cristi Adkins