McCain Campaigns Response to Clintons Speech

The McCain campaign wasted no time in issuing a response to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention. Within minutes of the conclusion of Clinton’s remarks, the campaign released this statement:

“Senator Clinton ran her presidential campaign making clear that Barack Obama is not prepared to lead as commander in chief. Nowhere tonight did she alter that assessment. Nowhere tonight did she say that Barack Obama is ready to lead. Millions of Hillary Clinton supporters and millions of Americans remain concerned about whether Barack Obama is ready to be President.” —Tucker Bounds, spokesman John McCain 2008

The other thing I noticed was that Clinton did not go after Sen. John McCain for repeatedly using her in his recent campaign ads. She has done so in the past, but this would have been an opportunity to forcefully repudiate — in front of a huge audience — McCain’s efforts to co-opt her primary statements for his own political gain.