The Obama Response On Terrorist Ayers

New information out today about the relationship between Barack Obama and Ayers, the Weather Underground terrorist. But first, I have to include this new ad from Obama which highlights his relationship. A very stupid move on Obama’s part, but he has made a career out of stupid moves.

Transcript of the ad:

With all our problems, why is John McCain talking about the sixties, trying to link Barack Obama to radical Bill Ayers?

McCain knows Obama denounced Ayers’ crimes, committed when Obama was just eight years old.

Let’s talk about standing up for America today.

John McCain wants to spend $10 Billion a month in Iraq, tax breaks for corporations that ship jobs overseas, selling out American workers.

John McCain, just more of the same.

What a red herring. The point in this controversy is not when the crimes by Ayers were committed. Rather its about his friendship with the man even though the man was a terrorist. Now the Annenberg papers reveal more about this relationship:

The minutes of the Annenberg Challenge meetings show that during a June 1995 meeting, Ayers was credited with having “worked diligently” to support the effort. More than a year later, Obama pushed the group to be bolder in its reforms.

“At the end of five years, will we have broken the mold? Not much seems to be bubbling up that is inspiring or substantive,” October 1996 minutes say, paraphrasing Obama.

More then working diligently to support the effort, Ayers was the founder of the group as his resume tells us:

Co-Founder and Co-Chair, Chicago School Reform Collaborative (The Annenberg Challenge), 1995-2000.

They obviously worked together, even working together on the Woods foundation a few years later, and the fact that he would have any relationship with a man who compares 9/11 to what the United States has done in the past speaks volumes about his character:

I think every American that I know was weeping over the next several weeks, and devastated and shocked. Was that an act of pure terror? It absolutely was. And there are many other acts of terror carried out by our government, even recently, that, that are comparable,

These words were uttered in 2004 and it shows Ayers isn’t shy about speaking out. Are we to believe this Ayers is not the Ayers Obama knew? The same excuse he has given for every badguy Obama had a relationship with.

Baloney. Obama knew the kind of man Ayers was and is. As he knew the same about Wright, Pflegger, and Rezko.

Tom Maguire on another point the Annenberg papers reveal. The fact that the man with no experience has experience at failure:

…at this point we don’t know the full extent of the Obama/Ayers relationship. But at a minimum, I expect that the campaign is uncomfortable with the reality that their man of almost non-existent executive experience was in fact chairman of a high-profile belly-flop in education reform. I doubt that soccer moms or anyone else will be thrilled to learn that Obama hung with unapologetic terrorists, talked about school reform, and achieved nothing.