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    Thread: Cycle Advice

    1. #1
      juicemonkey230's Avatar
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      Im 19, 6'3'' and 225 and around 11%Bf. I ve done two cycles... winny for 10 weeks 50mg eod and gained around 10lbs. My second cycle was tren (75mg eod) and winny (25mg ed) for 7 wks and gained 30lbs.
      i have 2 10cc bottles of enanthane and 20 anadrol, arimidex, nolva, clomid, and finerastride.

      Heres may plans

      wk 1 1000mg enan
      wk 2-6 600mg enan
      wk 4-6 50mg anadrol ed

      is this too short...should i run 400 a wk for 10 weeks?

      i want to gain mass also while losing bf...will this help?

    2. #2
      x|Fluid|x's Avatar
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      Enan. is a long acting ester, your not going to see very good gains from it untill aboutn week 3 or 4, even with a frontload. I would run the anadrol at the beginning to kickstart your cycle, something like this:

      Weeks 1-3: 50mg Drol ED
      Weeks 1-10: 400mg Test Enan.

      it is difficult to cut with drol, because you will retain a considerable amount of water.
      x|Fluid|x is presenting REAL opinions and DOES encourage and condone the use of steroids or other illegal/legal substances that may be used in an illegal manner.


      Minister of Controlled Substances for the KINGDOM of KANADA.

    3. #3
      Vtwin's Avatar
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      The gear you've chosen is some of the worst for holding water, so short term you won't look like your leaning up. Diet is always the key when wanting to lose fat, so eating clean and cranking your metabolism up is what will burn fat. The gear will help convert some of the fat weight to lean muscle mass.

      Based on a 2-3 week half life of the ethanate I would use the anadrol in the beginning of the cycle at 50 mgs ed until gone.

    4. #4
      rado's Avatar
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      I would say my 2 cents, but your too young kid. sorry.

    5. #5
      JohnnyB's Avatar
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      you might want to add arimidex @ .5 eod if that doesn't stop water retention go ed. JMO


    6. #6
      juicemonkey230's Avatar
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      thanx for the info everyone except rado j/k

      rado...how am i too young? (just curious on your opinion, not trying to start an argument)

    7. #7
      G*B's Avatar
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      what the others said. I would do the it for 8-10 weeks and kick start it with dbol instead. I think anadrol is too hard for you right now. But thats just me.

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