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    Thread: A little history lesson on Israel

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      bigbadexcursion's Avatar
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      Default A little history lesson on Israel

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      • A little history lesson on Israel
      • A little history lesson on Israel

      • A little history lesson on Israel
      • A little history lesson on Israel
      • A little history lesson on Israel
      • A little history lesson on Israel
      • A little history lesson on Israel
      • A little history lesson on Israel
      It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago.

      Since some people tend to think that Israel didn't exist until the 1960's I figured I would post a little info on the history of Israel and also some on the Israel Palestine situation. There is no such thing as a Palestinian, there has never been a country, currency, or a people with that name.

      Israel is mentioned in the three major religious books of the world over and over. Those books would be the Bible, the Torah, and the Koran. It is pretty much indisputable that there never was an Israel before 1960. In fact there has never been a country called Palestine and Jerusalem is never once mentioned in the koran. The people living in Gaza and the west bank were Jordanians and Egyptians before they lost the land in war.

      Here is a little timeline on Israel.

      17th-6th C. BCE BIBLICAL TIMES
      (BCE - Before the Common Era)
      c.17th century

      Abraham, Isaac, Jacob - patriarchs of the Jewish people and bearers of a belief in one God - settle in the Land of Israel.
      Famine forces Israelites to migrate to Egypt.
      c.13th century Exodus from Egypt: Moses leads Israelites from Egypt, followed by 40 years of wandering in the desert.
      Torah, including the Ten Commandments, received at Mount Sinai.
      centuries Israelites settle in the Land of Israel
      c.1020 Jewish monarchy established; Saul, first king.
      c.1000 Jerusalem made capital of David's kingdom.
      c.960 First Temple, the national and spiritual center of the Jewish people, built in Jerusalem by King Solomon.
      c. 930 Divided kingdom: Judah and Israel
      722-720 Israel crushed by Assyrians; 10 tribes exiled (Ten Lost Tribes).
      Judah conquered by Babylonia; Jerusalem and First Temple destroyed; most Jews exiled.

      538-142 Persian and Hellenistic periods
      538-515 Many Jews return from Babylonia; Temple rebuilt.
      332 Land conquered by Alexander the Great; Hellenistic rule.

      Maccabean (Hasmonean) revolt against restrictions on practice of Judaism and desecration of the Temple
      142-129 Jewish autonomy under Hasmoneans.
      129-63 Jewish independence under Hasmonean monarchy.
      63 Jerusalem captured by Roman general, Pompey.

      63 BCE-313

      Roman rule
      63-4 BCE

      Herod, Roman vassal king, rules the Land of Israel;
      Temple in Jerusalem refurbished

      (CE - The Common Era)
      c. 20-33 Ministry of Jesus of Nazareth
      66 Jewish revolt against the Romans
      70 Destruction of Jerusalem and Second Temple.
      73 Last stand of Jews at Masada.
      132-135 Bar Kokhba uprising against Rome.
      c. 210 Codification of Jewish oral law (Mishna) completed.

      313-636 Byzantine rule
      c. 390 Commentary on the Mishna (Jerusalem Talmud) completed.
      614 Persian invasion

      636-1099 Arab rule
      691 On site of First and Second Temples in Jerusalem, Dome of the Rock built by Caliph Abd el-Malik.

      1099-1291 Crusader domination
      (Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem)

      1291-1516 Mamluk rule

      1517-1917 Ottoman rule
      1564 Code of Jewish law (Shulhan Arukh) published.
      1860 First neighborhood built outside walls of Jerusalem's Old City.
      1882-1903 First Aliya (large-scale immigration), mainly from Russia.

      First Zionist Congress convened by Theodor Herzl in Basel, Switzerland; Zionist Organization founded.
      1904-14 Second Aliya, mainly from Russia and Poland.
      1909 First kibbutz, Degania, and first modern all-Jewish city, Tel Aviv, founded.
      1917 400 years of Ottoman rule ended by British conquest;
      British Foreign Minister Balfour pledges support for establishment of a "Jewish national home in Palestine"


      British rule
      1919-23 Third Aliya, mainly from Russia
      1920 Histadrut (General Federation of Labor) and Haganah (Jewish defense organization) founded.
      Vaad Leumi (National Council) set up by Jewish community (Yishuv) to conduct its affairs.
      1921 First moshav (cooperative village), Nahalal, founded.
      1922 Britain granted Mandate for Palestine (Land of Israel) by League of Nations; Transjordan set up on three-fourths of the area, leaving one fourth for the Jewish national home.
      Jewish Agency representing Jewish community vis-a-vis Mandate authorities set up.

      Technion, first institute of technology, founded in Haifa.
      1924-32 Fourth Aliya, mainly from Poland.
      1925 Hebrew University of Jerusalem opened on Mount Scopus.
      1929 Hebron Jews massacred by Arab terrorists.
      1931 Etzel, Jewish underground organization, founded.
      1933-39 Fifth Aliya, mainly from Germany.
      1936-39 Anti-Jewish riots instigated by Arab terrorists.
      1939 Jewish immigration severely limited by British White Paper.
      1939-45 World War II; Holocaust in Europe.
      1941 Lehi underground movement formed; Palmach, strike force of Haganah, set up.
      1944 Jewish Brigade formed as part of British forces.
      1947 UN proposes the establishment of Arab and Jewish states in the Land.


      End of British Mandate (14 May)
      State of Israel proclaimed (14 May).
      Israel invaded by five Arab states (15 May).
      Israel Defense Forces (IDF) established.
      War of Independence (May 1948-July 1949).

      Armistice agreements signed with Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon.
      Jerusalem divided under Israeli and Jordanian rule.
      First Knesset (parliament) elected.
      Israel admitted to United Nations as 59th member.


      Mass immigration from Europe and Arab countries.
      1956 Sinai Campaign
      1962 Adolf Eichmann tried and executed in Israel for his part in the Holocaust.

      National Water Carrier completed, bringing water from Lake Kinneret in the north to the semi-arid south.

      Six-Day War; Jerusalem reunited.
      1968-70 Egypt's War of Attrition against Israel
      1973 Yom Kippur War
      1975 Israel becomes an associate member of the European Common Market.
      1977 Likud forms government after Knesset elections, end of 30 years of Labor rule.
      Visit of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to Jerusalem.
      1978 Camp David Accords include framework for comprehensive peace in the Middle East and proposal for Palestinian self-government.
      1979 Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty signed.
      Prime Minister Menachem Begin and President Anwar Sadat awarded Nobel Peace Prize.
      1981 Israel Air Force destroys Iraqi nuclear reactor just before it is to become operative.
      1982 Israel's three-stage withdrawal from Sinai Peninsula completed.
      Operation Peace for Galilee removes Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) terrorists from Lebanon.
      1984 National unity government (Likud and Labor) formed after elections.
      Operation Moses, immigration of Jews from Ethiopia.
      1985 Free Trade Agreement signed with United States.
      1987 Widespread violence (Intifada) starts in Israeli-administered areas.
      1988 Likud government wins elections.

      Four-point peace initiative proposed by Israel.
      Start of mass immigration of Jews from former Soviet Union.
      1991 Israel attacked by Iraqi Scud missiles during Gulf war.
      Middle East peace conference convened in Madrid;
      Operation Solomon, airlift of Jews from Ethiopia.
      1992 Diplomatic relations established with China and India.
      New government headed by Yitzhak Rabin of Labor Party.
      1993 Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements for the Palestinians signed by Israel and PLO, as representative of the Palestinian people (Oslo Accords).

      Implementation of Palestinian self-government in Gaza Strip and Jericho area.
      Full diplomatic relations with the Holy See.
      Morocco and Tunisia interest offices set up.
      Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty signed.
      Rabin, Peres, Arafat awarded Nobel Peace Prize.

      1995 Broadened Palestinian self-government implemented in West Bank and Gaza Strip; Palestinian Council elected.
      Prime Minister Rabin assassinated at peace rally.
      Shimon Peres becomes prime minister.
      1996 Fundamentalist Arab terrorism against Israel escalates.
      Operation Grapes of Wrath, retaliation for Hizbullah terrorists' attacks on northern Israel.
      Trade representation offices set up in Oman and Qatar.
      Likud forms government after Knesset elections.
      Binyamin Netanyahu elected prime minister.
      Omani trade representation office opened in Tel Aviv.
      1997 Hebron Protocol signed by Israel and the PA.

      Israel celebrates its 50th anniversary.
      Israel and the PLO sign the Wye River Memorandum to facilitate implementation of the Interim Agreement.
      1999 Ehud Barak (left-wing One Israel party) elected prime minister; forms coalition government.
      Israel and the PLO sign the Sharm-el-Sheikh Memorandum.
      2000 Visit of Pope Paul II.
      Israel withdraws from the Security Zone in southern Lebanon.
      Israel admitted to UN Western European and Others Group.
      Renewed violence (Second Intifada). Prime Minister Barak resigns.
      2001 Ariel Sharon (Likud) elected Prime Minister; forms broad-based unity government.
      The Sharm-el-Sheikh Fact-Finding Committee report (Mitchell Report) issued.
      Palestinian-Israeli Security Implementation Work Plan (Tenet ceasefire plan) proposed.
      Rechavam Ze'evy, Minister of Tourism, assassinated by Palestinian terrorists.

      Israel launches Operation Defensive Shield in response to massive Palestinian terrorist attacks.
      Israel begins building the anti-terrorist fence to stop West Bank terrorists from killing Israeli citizens.
      Prime Minister Sharon disperses the Knesset, calling for new elections to be held on 28 January 2003.

      Right-of-center coalition government formed by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
      Israel accepts the Roadmap.

      Israel carries out the Disengagement Plan, ending Israel's presence in the Gaza Strip.

      After Prime Minister Sharon suffers a stroke, Ehud Olmert becomes acting prime minister.
      Following elections on 28 March, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert forms new government led by the Kadima Party.
      Israel carried out military operations against Palestinian terrorists in Gaza after kidnapping of Israeli soldier.
      The Second War in Lebanon, during which Israel carried out military operations against Hizbullah terrorism from southern Lebanon, following missile attacks and kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers.


      Shimon Peres elected President by the Knesset.
      Israel declares Gaza "hostile territory" following Hamas violent takeover of Gaza Strip.

    2. #2
      bigbadexcursion's Avatar
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      Default Re: A little history lesson on Israel


      the story of the Middle East in just a few paragraphs, which is all you really need. Don't thank me. I'm a giver. Here we go:
      The Palestinians want their own country. There's just one thing about that: There are no Palestinians. It's a made up word. Israel was called Palestine for two thousand years. Like "Wiccan," "Palestinian" sounds ancient but is really a modern invention. Before the Israelis won the land in war, Gaza was owned by Egypt, and there were no "Palestinians" then, and the West Bank was owned by Jordan, and there were no "Palestinians" then. As soon as the Jews took over and started growing oranges as big as basketballs, what do you know, say hello to the "Palestinians," weeping for their deep bond with their lost "land" and "nation." So for the sake of honesty, let's not use the word "Palestinian" any more to describe these delightful folks, who dance for joy at our deaths until someone points out they're being taped. Instead, let's call them what they are: "Other Arabs From The Same General Area Who Are In Deep Denial About Never Being Able To Accomplish Anything In Life And Would Rather Wrap Themselves In The Seductive Melodrama Of Eternal

      Struggle And Death." I know that's a bit unwieldy to expect to see on CNN. How about this, then: "Adjacent Jew-Haters."

      Okay, so the Adjacent Jew-Haters want their own country. Oops, just one more thing. No, they don't. They could've had their own country any time in the last thirty years, especially two years ago at Camp David. But if you have your own country, you have to have traffic lights and garbage trucks and Chambers of Commerce, and, worse, you actually have to figure out some way to make a living. That's no fun. No, they want what all the other Jew-Haters in the region want: Israel. They also want a big pile of dead Jews, of course--that's where the real fun is--but mostly they want Israel. Why? For one thing, trying to destroy Israel--or "The Zionist Entity" as their textbooks call it--for the last fifty years has allowed the rulers of Arab countries to divert the attention of their own people away from the fact that they're the blue-ribbon most illiterate, poorest, and tribally backward on God's Earth, and if you've ever been around God's Earth, you know that's really saying something. It makes me roll my eyes every time one of our pundits waxes poetic about the great history and culture of the Muslim Mideast. Unless I'm missing something, the Arabs haven't given anything to the world since Algebra, and, by the way, thanks a hell of a lot for that one.

      Chew this around and spit it out: Five hundred million Arabs; five million Jews. Think of all the Arab countries as a football field, and Israel as a pack of matches sitting in the middle of it. And now these same folks swear that if Israel gives them half of that pack of matches, everyone will be pals. Really? Wow, what neat news. Hey, but what about the string of wars to obliterate the tiny country and the constant din of rabid blood oaths to drive every Jew into the sea? Oh, that? We were just kidding.

      My friend Kevin Rooney made a gorgeous point the other day: Just reverse the numbers. Imagine five hundred million Jews and five million Arabs. I was stunned at the simple brilliance of it. Can anyone picture the Jews strapping belts of razor blades and dynamite to themselves? Of course not. Or marshalling every fiber and force at their disposal for generations to drive a tiny Arab state into the sea? Nonsense. Or dancing for joy at the murder of innocents? Impossible. Or spreading and believing horrible lies about the Arabs baking their bread with the blood of children? Disgusting. No, as you know, left to themselves in a world of peace, the worst Jews would ever do to people is debate them to death.

      Mr. Bush, God bless him, is walking a tightrope. I understand that with vital operations coming up against Iraq and others, it's in our interest, as Americans, to try to stabilize our Arab allies as much as possible, and, after all, that can't be much harder than stabilizing a roomful of supermodels who've just had their drugs taken away. However, in any big-picture strategy, there's always a danger of losing moral weight. We've already lost some. After September 11 our president told us and the world he was going to root out all terrorists and the countries that supported them. Beautiful. Then the Israelis, after months and months of having the equivalent of an Oklahoma City every week (and then every day) start to do the same thing we did, and we tell them to show restraint. If America were being attacked with an Oklahoma City every day, we would all very shortly be screaming for the administration to just be done with it and kill everything south of the Mediterranean and east of the Jordan. (Hey, wait a minute, that's actually not such a bad id . . . uh, that is, what a horrible thought, yeah, horrible.)

      There's bad news on the losing moral weight front, and the signs are out there. Last week, the day after Secretary Powell left on his mission (whatever that was), the Los Angeles Times ran its lead editorial in one hundred percent support of the trip and the pressure he and President Bush were putting on Israel. Here's a good rule of thumb: If the Los Angeles Times thinks you're doing a great job, everything you're doing is wrong, stupid and mortally dangerous. If they think everything you're doing is wrong, stupid and mortally dangerous, you're doing a great job, and, in fact, your chances are probably very good for getting on the fast track for sainthood.

      So, now, back to Greta. You know what made me mad enough to shout? You might not even think it was that big a thing.

      After the show she said to these guys, "Thank you, gentlemen, for being my guests." "Gentlemen." "Guests." "My guests." That's what it's come to with these non-judgmental hosts and hostesses. Nice, huh? "Thank you, Mr. Stalin, sir, for being so gracious in giving us your valuable time." "My eternal gratitude, Chairman Mao, for taking precious moments away from your splendid Five-Year Plan and visiting with us in this most convivial way."

      And I winced, and grunted, and shouted. Oh, yeah, and made that drink.

      I mean, please, folks. In 1941, did reporters feel it was their duty to give equal time to ****** and Hirohito? Would Stanley Cohen have represented them? Ok, Stanley probably would have, but would any American have stood still while he told us about it?

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      Default Re: A little history lesson on Israel

      phuck religion and forget isreal..good for them..they worship the same god that they always have..

      THE STATE OF ISRAEL celebrated its 60th anniversary May 13-15 2008. Upon this anniversary of Israel it is incumbent upon all Christian peoples to affirm why Israel should not exist.

      Here Are 3 Reasons Why Israel Should Not Exist:

      1) Israel Is Not A Fulfillment Of Biblical Prophecy: The appellation “Israel” in the Bible primarily refers to the “faithful” who make up the “Church.”

      The “Church” as described by St Paul in Chapter 9 of his Epistle To The Romans is made up of the “remnant” of the Jews and the “Gentiles” of the nations. Together, as St Paul writes in his Epistle To The Ephesians, are fused into being “one new man” known as “Christians.”

      2) The UN Partition Of *1947* Was Illegal: The UN awarded the Jews 55% of the land of Palestine even though their current holdings totaled only about 6% and their population was only about 35% (608,000) of all the Palestinians (1,237,000). The plan also gave the most fertile lands to the Jews but the mountainous regions to the Arabs.

      In their War Of Aggression Of 1948 the Jews took additional Arab lands bringing their total holdings to about 75% of Palestine which they kept and never gave back.

      Even though this additional land was illegally gained in violation of the Hague Regulations (1907) and the UN Charter (1945) which both included the basic legal principle that it is illegal to acquire territory by force, these new boundaries soon became the “official” boundaries of the new State of Israel.

      3) The State Of Israel Has Created Chaos From Its Inception: War crimes, International terrorism due to the illegal “rogue state of Israel,” political corruption by the Jewish Lobby, defamation of character to all critics of Israel, Jewish racist ideology, world wide instability due to Zionist hegemony, growing Western fascism, American debt & inflation for subsidizing Israel, are additional reasons why Israel should not exist.


      TO CRITICIZE ISRAEL is to put one’s life and reputation at risk. A recent example is the intense maligning by Jews of two US academics, John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago and Stephen Walt of Harvard University They are the authors of the best seller The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy which is highly critical of the powerful Jewish Lobby in the US.

      In a recent interview of Mearsheimer & Walt by the BBC Here Walt told of the many personal attacks made against himself & Mearsheimer by the Jews:

      — “There have many personal attacks on us. For example, the Washington Post [owned by Jewish Meyer-Graham family - BN] had run four separate pieces on our book and three of the four were harshly negative and a couple of them raised the Anti-Semitism charge quite explicitly - and that’s just the Washington Post.” —

      JEWISH TERRORISTS ASSASSINATED Count Bernadotte on September 17 1948 Here. The day before Count Bernadotte was assassinated by the Jewish Stern Gang he submitted the following Report to the General Assembly of the UN entitled The Right of Repatriation:

      — “No settlement can be just if the right of Arab refugees to return to their homes from which they have been dislodged is not granted. An offence against the principles of elemental justice is made if these innocent victims are denied the right of return to their homes while Jewish immigrants flow into Palestine.” —

      The next day the Jews assassinated this truly ‘righteous Gentile!

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      Default Re: A little history lesson on Israel

      not to mention that it can be argued that the occupants of todays israel are not true jews anyway...
      they are decendants of Khazar and Ashke****m...
      but who cares what i say..maybe you should go talk with one of you socks....clown

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      Default Re: A little history lesson on Israel

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      Default Re: A little history lesson on Israel

      lmao...thanks fuzo...

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      Default Re: A little history lesson on Israel

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      Default Re: A little history lesson on Israel

      Quote Originally Posted by FUZO View Post
      that's called an interup technique

      you break the flow

      i will say, i did like big bad's first part of the article

      and i still plead ignorance on the issue, i will say, it at least shed some light on it i could understand, cause i'mma simpleon, so i need complex stuff as easy as 1+1=2 and sometime i struggle with dat

    9. #9
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      Default Re: A little history lesson on Israel

      Quote Originally Posted by straydoglogic View Post
      phuck religion and forget isreal..good for them..they worship the same god that they always have..

      THE STATE OF ISRAEL celebrated its 60th anniversary May 13-15 2008. Upon this anniversary of Israel it is incumbent upon all Christian peoples to affirm why Israel should not exist.

      Here Are 3 Reasons Why Israel Should Not Exist:

      1) Israel Is Not A Fulfillment Of Biblical Prophecy: The appellation “Israel” in the Bible primarily refers to the “faithful” who make up the “Church.”

      The “Church” as described by St Paul in Chapter 9 of his Epistle To The Romans is made up of the “remnant” of the Jews and the “Gentiles” of the nations. Together, as St Paul writes in his Epistle To The Ephesians, are fused into being “one new man” known as “Christians.”

      2) The UN Partition Of *1947* Was Illegal: The UN awarded the Jews 55% of the land of Palestine even though their current holdings totaled only about 6% and their population was only about 35% (608,000) of all the Palestinians (1,237,000). The plan also gave the most fertile lands to the Jews but the mountainous regions to the Arabs.

      In their War Of Aggression Of 1948 the Jews took additional Arab lands bringing their total holdings to about 75% of Palestine which they kept and never gave back.

      Even though this additional land was illegally gained in violation of the Hague Regulations (1907) and the UN Charter (1945) which both included the basic legal principle that it is illegal to acquire territory by force, these new boundaries soon became the “official” boundaries of the new State of Israel.

      3) The State Of Israel Has Created Chaos From Its Inception: War crimes, International terrorism due to the illegal “rogue state of Israel,” political corruption by the Jewish Lobby, defamation of character to all critics of Israel, Jewish racist ideology, world wide instability due to Zionist hegemony, growing Western fascism, American debt & inflation for subsidizing Israel, are additional reasons why Israel should not exist.


      TO CRITICIZE ISRAEL is to put one’s life and reputation at risk. A recent example is the intense maligning by Jews of two US academics, John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago and Stephen Walt of Harvard University They are the authors of the best seller The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy which is highly critical of the powerful Jewish Lobby in the US.

      In a recent interview of Mearsheimer & Walt by the BBC Here Walt told of the many personal attacks made against himself & Mearsheimer by the Jews:

      — “There have many personal attacks on us. For example, the Washington Post [owned by Jewish Meyer-Graham family - BN] had run four separate pieces on our book and three of the four were harshly negative and a couple of them raised the Anti-Semitism charge quite explicitly - and that’s just the Washington Post.” —

      JEWISH TERRORISTS ASSASSINATED Count Bernadotte on September 17 1948 Here. The day before Count Bernadotte was assassinated by the Jewish Stern Gang he submitted the following Report to the General Assembly of the UN entitled The Right of Repatriation:

      — “No settlement can be just if the right of Arab refugees to return to their homes from which they have been dislodged is not granted. An offence against the principles of elemental justice is made if these innocent victims are denied the right of return to their homes while Jewish immigrants flow into Palestine.” —

      The next day the Jews assassinated this truly ‘righteous Gentile!
      Bro, I love you man but your wrong on Israel. Even the info you have listed is incorrect. If you look up the land Israel conquered in the six day war - they gave all most all of it back over several years - they conquered the entire Sinai Peninsula and they allowed Arab-Palestinians to live within the borders of Israel after their surrender.

      The old Palestine region under the British Mandate consisted of all of modern day Israel and Jordan - Jordan is approximately 3 times bigger than Israel and was given to the Arab-Palestinians. Yet they are not content until Israel is annihilated which was their goal when Israel led a pre-emptive strike against the Arab nations in the six day war.

      Yassar Arafat was an Egyptian that was a self-proclaimed "Palestinian" thats because your essentially a "Palestinian" if you are a Arab-Palestinians that is opposed to the existence of Israel.

      Just on ideological terms Israel is a fairly free country and recognizes human rights, the benefits of advanced education and the value of life . The Arab-Palestinians groom their own children to honor suicides - as long as they take Jews with them. They even strap and lock explosives to mentally retarded people.

      The middle east has had a volatile history; it the cradle of civilization. You cannot make it right with negotiations. "Palestinians" are victims of nothing but their own Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharpton type leaders who make a career of b1tching about the victimization of the "Palestinian" People, when there is none. The international community needs to get out of the way and let the Palestinians commit suicide against Israel so we can move on.

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      I agree with Klash on something?

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      Default Re: A little history lesson on Israel

      Quote Originally Posted by bigbadexcursion View Post

      I agree with Klash on something?

      The first time is always the hardest to accept.

    12. #12
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      Default Re: A little history lesson on Israel

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      • A little history lesson on Israel
      • A little history lesson on Israel

      • A little history lesson on Israel
      • A little history lesson on Israel
      • A little history lesson on Israel
      • A little history lesson on Israel
      • A little history lesson on Israel
      • A little history lesson on Israel
      lol...who'd have thunk it


      "Actually for once your actually starting sound quite logical!"-djdiggler 07/10/2007


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