I just got back from Columbus and i was itching to see what i had collected from the classic. I tell ya i drove those guys crazy. I was just talking so much to them and offering them $5 for shit they were selling at $20 and $30, i tell ya i ended up spending $250 dollars but i got well over $2500 worth of stuff.. I got that VPX clenbuterex for $15, i got the Labrada charge 90caps for $5, and to think a few days ago i was gonna order it online for $19.95. The best person of them all was Mike from 1fast400, i ordered loads of stuff from him last week, i spent about $450 just on R-ala, and i told him if i saw him at the classic i would pop over and say hi.. So i did see him had a chat with him and as i was leaving he handed me 2 bottles of 100 caps ,100mg r-ala for nothing.. He is 1 good guy.. So much more i want to tell you guys but i'll stop now.