What is "Elite?" What are these different total rankings and titles, like Elite, Mas


What is "Elite?" What are these different total rankings and titles, like Elite, Master and Class I-IV?

In the APF, we have a set of Qualifying Rankings that ranks a lifter based on his or her total (from a full power meet; no bench qualifying rankings exist in the APF). Based on lifters' totals, they are ranked from the highest distinction of "Elite" then onto "Master" (not to be confused with age divisions for lifters over the age of 40), and finally from "Class I" down to "Class IV" as the lowest ranking. Different qualifying rankings have been established for the APF and AAPF, and are available at the following links: APF Qualifying Rankings and AAPF Qualifying Rankings.

The purpose of these rankings are basically to give lifters a certain total number to shoot for, and to provide something for lifters to compare themselves against. These numbers were developed by the APF officials based off performances of lifters over the years, and how many lifters were able to achieve certain levels of totals. Being "Elite" means you are in a select group of very strong lifters who have totaled such a high amount of weight. Lifters can recieve patches for reaching the Master and Elite total levels.