Watching all the political results in between the bud shoot out.

And a question keeps poppin up, How the Hell do these folks keep on getting hood winked by the Clintons????

Then, I ask myself what do they understand about there voters that I don't. Now, seeing there voters are female, high school educated, etc.

So, I'm thinking the answer is that, they keep on believing what the hell they SAY, cause it is what they want to HEAR.

negate the fact whether it is real or rationale, the clintons say exactly what folks want too hear, right or wrong

So, i'm at work and they interview a lady from maine on why she is voting for hillary, and a hillary supporter.

Her answer, Hilary will lower interest rates on college loans.

she was a very nice lady, seemed intelligent, etc., yet she was serious

Thus, she really really really sincerely believes Hilary Clinton as President controls interest rates.

And thus, life goes on...................

I guess they also believe we will have Universal Health Care if Hilary is elected, even though doctors, medical companies, and drug companies have not even begun to fight.............and if we do have universal health care there will be no consequences, like let's pay nurses like we pay ditch diggers to keep costs down, be damned they educated and worked for there profession and have earned the right too earn whatever they can, let's put caps on what they can earn to control costs for all