Mucuna Pruriens


Mucuna Pruriens
A building block of all the other amino acids
Contains the amino acid L-Dopa
Mucuna pruriens also known as velvet bean contains the very powerful neurotransmitter pre-cursor L-Dopa (L-Dihydroxyphenylalanine), is one of the popular medicinals of India. and is constituent of more than 200 indigenous drug formulations It is widespread over most of the subcontinent and is found in bushes and hedges and dry-deciduous, low forests throughout the plains of India. (Sister and Kavathekar 1990; Agharkar 1991; Singh et al. 1996 ). All parts of Mucuna posses valuable medicinal properties (Pandey 1998; Pandey 1999; Caius 1989 ) and there is a heavy demand of Mucuna in Indian drug markets. After the discovery that Mucuna seeds contain L-dopa, an anti-parkinson’s disease drug, its demand in international market has increased many fold (Farooqi 1999) and demand has motivated Indian farmers to start commercial cultivation.

This amino (L-Dopa) has the ability to cross the blood brain barrier converting to dopamine, stimulating nerve production and the possible production of growth hormone (GH). This is the main reason an exercising individual would consider this herb would be that GH release. You see, L-Dopa is a powerful GH releaser and since mucuna pruriens usually contains about 15% L-Dopa, it can have powerful effects in this regard.

1. Why is this important for you?
2. Does this have a role in the absorption of more nutrients into the muscle cell?

Why is this important for you? - This amion acid is very important to all who train because of its far reaching effects. Think of all the benifits of improved HGH level:

Restoring muscle mass.
Decreasing body fat.
Thickening the skin, reducing wrinkles.
Restoring lost hair.
Restoring hair color.
Increasing energy.
just to name a few. We all know that HGH decline with age, and for the older trainer this is a very important supplement that he/she may not want to be without.

The increase in HGH levels means that all cellular functions have increassed in turn. More energy, better recovery from workout to workout. Improved protein utliization. Improved GH levels have a profound effect on all nutritents we ingest.

With its documented ability to increase testosterone and stimulate growth hormone (thereby increasing muscle mass), several companies have launched new products using mucuna beans, including several which are standardized to the L-dopa content. It is also showing up as an ingredient in various weight loss, libido, brain/memory, anti-aging, and body builder formulas. Consumers should be aware however, altering the levels of brain chemicals like dopamine and serotonin also affect many other hormones, enzymes, and other chemicals which keep the body in balance. The long-term impacts on healthy humans taking high levels of L-dopa are unclear and warrant further research. It is best to proceed with caution when taking mucuna extracts and to follow the labeled dosages. It is a powerful plant with many biological actions that should be respected. In other words. . . the belief system of some people taking herbal supplements of: "if some is good, more is better," does not apply with velvet bean.