What is MyoHydro?
(Myo = Relating to Muscle)
(Hydro= pertaining to, or furnishing water, water power, or hydroelectricity H20 - Electrolytes)

But it's much more than the name states.

We claim MyoHydro to be a 'Recovery Primer' because there are other components essential to Recovery than what is included in MyoHydro. Myohydro is a supplement that is geared to make nutrients (and other supplements) work more efficient and more effective.

Components that are NOT included in MyoHydro that are essential are obviously Protein (PRO) & Carbohydrates(CHO). Thus the reason this is a Recovery Primer and not an ALL in one Recovery Formula. I have yet to see 1 sole universal Recovery drink that can suit each and every individual and each and every regimen.

We intentionally did not include macronutrients (PRO & CHO) for several reasons. The primary reason being that it makes for MyoHydro to be a much more universal product and can be used very effectively for ANY type of diet regimen. I don't know of any 1 product that fits every individual program especially regarding Macronutrient ratios. Some are on Low / No Carb diets called CKD, Ketogenic diets, Atkins, The Zone among many others. MyoHydro fits these regimens idealy, no perfectly.

In fact it's origins came from me formulating something for myself while I was on a CKD type diet. I realized I needed something fortified with Potassium in the form of a buffered Vitamin C. Potassium is Essential on low / no carb diets since those type of diets keep water retention to a minimum and keeps the body depleted of excess water. When the body is in this mode it excretes with all the water, electrolytes and minerals. It is essential to make sure the body has sufficient electrolytes and minerals especially around training time. Whether it is a low carb diet or not, but more so on a low carb diet.

With using Myohydro it is up to the individual to add to their diet /supplement regimen the necessary macronutrients (PRO & CHO) that fit their current program in order to meet current goals.

You may ask what good it is then?

Myohydro supplies a lot of very good effective components, more importantly at effective doses. The lack of effective doses is the prominent problem with many products on the market. The label panel looks good but looking deeper most of them they either lack proper dosing (and this is due to costs and marketing) Also due to taste of the product in many cases.

We have used components that are effective while keeping in mind the palate. We developed it this way to keep a lot of the flavorings and fillers that are needed to mask off tastes, that have no real performance related benefits. While the taste of MyoHydro is NOT sweetened and tasty, it is very well tolerated by most individuals due to it being almost tasteless, meaning it minimally effects the taste of most sports beverage and but very well tolerated (We do often recommend using either a carb based flavored beverage often like gatorade due to the dextrose and glucose, or else for low carbers a crystal light or Lipton Carb solutions that have no carbohydrates. This will give it flavor if you so desire it. It can easily be used alone as well. As I said it's universal.

A great benefit I see from it is I will use it along with BCAA's during training and it helps to mask the taste and aid in the solubility of the BCAAs.

It's not some exotic blend of untried compoenents that are market fads. What it does contain is several components that are recognized tried and true, real world tested and either under-rated in the market or rarely used in an ideal single formula.

So what are the ingredients:
Potassium Ascorbate (PA) and Sodium Ascorbates (SA) . Which are both Buffered Vitamin C. PA contains 15% potassium (K)
and SA 10% Sodium (Na). The rest is Ascorbic acid which is Vitamin C. Buffered C's are much more tolerated on the stomach than straight Ascorbic acid.

Now some may say well I have high Blood pressure and the doctor told me to keep my sodium intake to a minimum. This is normally a good blanket statement to make. The reason is in todays' society with all the processed food that use sodium as a preservative, studies have found that the human intake of K and Na has done a flip flop in the last 100 years. Meaning in the old days a ratio of 5 K to 1 Na was the norm, now it's a ratio of 1 K to 2 Na and often higher. Not good, as excess sodium causes a form of edema as excess extracellular fluid builds up. There are a couple factors that play in, lack of excercise, lack of adequate hydration, and lack of potassium. In fact studies have shown that it isn't do much the sodium levels but the ratios of sodium to Potassium. Furthermore studies have show that lowering sodium intake doesn't have as profound effect on blood pressure as lowering sodium and raising potassium levels. Say for instance you drop your sodium in half you are still (according to averages) at a ratio of 1:1.5 regarding K to Na. If you also double potassium you are then at a 1:1 ratio. Though even that is still not ideal. At worst you should be at a 2:1, 2 being potassium and 1 being sodium, but more like 5:1 is ideal in favor of Potassium. In order to balance the ratios in favor of Potassium on the typcial diet in todays society would mean eating fruits and vegetables all day long that are high in Potassium, so potassium supplementation is often needed.

To add to it, most high BP is due to excess Sodium citrate and Sodium nitrate (AND not enough potassium and hydration). The form used in Sodium Ascorbate is Sodium bicarbonate which has a lesser effect on BP than the former two. and to add to that, in theory the vitamin C aspect has diuretic actions which helps to compensate for any water retetion you might realize given the chance that you are predisposed to any sodium induced edema.

Let's add even more to that. Most people with issues of sodium edema are probably not here reading this. You guys probably have MUCH better ratios than stated above. But unless you are a diehard, that eats a lot of fruits and Veggies and almost no processed foods then you probably are still a little outside of the ideal ratios. Being that your training multiple times a weeks means you probably sweat a good bit out. If you are on a ketogenic diet you certainly are sweating and pissing out electrolytes. There is no better time to replace your electrolytes than around the time that you are going to be losing them. So unless you have some type of serious kidney issues in which you just can't dispel potassium faster or at the same rate as you consume them, then you are needing them more than you think and at higher doses than you think. Overall, ascorbates and minerals are relatively inexpensive. They are not highly touted and hyped in the bodybuilding world like Nitric Oxide boosters and the like are. There isn't good profit in them.
With all this you the highly tuned athlete are probably still lagging behind in your K to Na ratios. MyoHydro is formulated to fix that and at the time it's needed the most.

Sodium/Potassium (Na/K) Ratio:
•Referred to as the life-death ratio because it is so critical
•Related to the sodium pump mechanism, and the electrical potential of cells which is regulated by sodium and potassium levels
•Sodium is normally extracellular, while potassium is normally intracellular. If the ratio of these minerals is unbalanced, it indicates important physiological malfunctions within the cells.
•The sodium/potassium ratio is intimately related to kidney, liver and adrenal gland function, and an imbalanced sodium/potassium ratio is associated with heart, kidney, liver, and immune deficiency diseases.
•The sodium/potassium ratio is intimately linked to adrenal gland function, and the balance between aldosterone (mineralocorticoid) and cortisone (glucocorticoid) secretion.

The ascorbates keeps the cells CLEAN, meaning rid of toxics, which hinders cellular metabolism efficiency. It enhances the Sodium/Potassium pump which most people do not realize that the Na/K pump process alone makes up 30% of total body energy expenditure. The benefit is the balance of Na and K inside and outside the cell. An inefficient Na/K pump causes the body to retain one or the other which builds up within the cell (or extracellularly) causing a toxic environment. All the Nitric Oxide in the world generated in the body will do no good for Protein synthesis and recovery if the environment is toxic. And this is the downside to many Nitric Oxide (NO) based products whos' primary mechanism is the generation of NO.

Did you know that this Sodium Potassium pump also has anabolic type properties? It does in relation to changes in cell volume that regulates cell function. The exchange of fluid of bringing more fliud inside the cell and less outside the cell does act as an anabolic stimulus, in the same way cellular shrinkage due to loss of fluid is a catabolic stimulus. Water alone cannot accomplish this hydration of intrarcelluar fliud it needs K to have success.

Additional benefits of these two components are their diuretic properties of the Vitamin C. Other than it ridding toxins it also assists the visual aspects. It keeps extracellular fluid and interstitial fluid to a minimum. which potentiates vascularity since there is more hydration in circulating blood plasma. Again Nitic Oxide is a vasodilator it relaxes the vascular system, PA and SA adds benefit by keeping those relaxed veins hydrated and popping.

Other components included in MyoHydro are geared towards building carnosine levels in the blood and muscle cells which relate to lactic acid build up or rather the hinderance of.

Citrulline Malate, Beta Alanine both are key players in this respect.
These two components are the fastest acting, meaning they go to work within minutes to an end results that you can feel within the confines of your workout. Unlike the C Ascorbates, which have more or a prolonged use benefit. BA and CM you will yield results in the first workout. You feel like you can keep on training for hours regarding muscle fatigue. You will run out or breath before your muscle give up. This is due to the fact that Beta Alanine levels in the blood work along with Histidine levels present in the blood to build up carnosine levels in muscle. This almost shunts lactic acid build up. It translates into more intense reps and sets, more volume if you so choose, and less cellular fatigue, and less soreness days after. Most you guys are familiar enough with the above two components I won't go into much detail. I think the two are truly effective and not used enough in those that truly train intensely. While it's not near as essential as a sound diet, it definitely adds to the performance aspect of your training.

Taurine is another component in it's diuretic actions, and for shuttling nutrients primarily electrolytes, and reports on making glucose disposal more efficient putting glucose where you want it to go. This works synergistically with N-Acetyl-Cysteine and Vitamin C. Taurine works well with most any component related to muscular bioprocesses. It reduces cramps due to changes in vascular pressure usually a result of loss of water and/or electrolytes. Many have seen the anti-cramping benefits of Taurine, especially when used in conjunction with the proper K/Na ratios.

MyoHydro also contains AAKG which is Arginine Alpha Keto Glutararate Acid. An NO based Amino Acid that relaxes the vascular system and AKG
a key intermediate in the Krebs cycle, coming after isocitrate and before succinyl CoA . It is one of the most important nitrogen transporter in metabolic pathways. While it's not super high dosed in this formula, what you will find is if you are normally taking twice the dose the synergy derived from the other componenets in Myohydro allows a way to get away with half as dose of AAKG with the same realized effects. It's like the effects you feel from No production are potentiated with the use of high dose C, Taurine, and anti-oxidants TMG and NAC.

Choline Bitartrate is another component. Choline is also the base for many metabolic functions of the body; helping to synthesis phosphatidyl choline, acetylcholine, and betaine. These nutrients are all crucial to the body for they support the neurotransmitters, the cell membranes, maintain homocysteine levels, and more.

TriMethylGlycine (TMG) in a Betain Base form. Betaine has three known functions in mammals. It is an organic osmolyte that accumulates in renal medullary cells and some other tissues to balance extracellular hypertonicity. Secondly, it also acts like a chaperone to stabilize protein structure under denaturing conditions. Finally, it serves as a methyl donor in the betaine homocysteine methyltransferase (BHMT) reaction which converts homocysteine to methionine. Call it like Octane boost for your car.

Again functions as "methyl donors." Carrying and donating methyl functional groups to facilitate necessary chemical processes. The donation of methyl groups is important to proper liver function, cellular replication, and detoxification reactions. TMG also plays a role in the manufacture of carnitine and serves to protect the kidneys from damage.

Again Myohydro is a primer that works by detoxifying the systems cellular processes, It has very prominent anti-oxidant properties. It acts as a vasodilator. And a carnosine builder within the muscle and a lactic acid buffer. More than just a buffer it reduces the build up of lactic acid in the first place.

Below is the original content we had on the site. We have slightly reformulated MyoHydro since it's original inception, adding the N-Acetyl Cysteine and TMG as key component.

We slightly tweaked the Potassium to Sodium ratios as well. giving it more slightly more 'K' and slightly less 'Na' than was originally formulated.
I've began using the original formula early in 07. I tweaked it and found the ideal blend at least for myself about 6 months ago around June / July 2007.
I will not train without it now.

MyoHydro is formulated to aid muscle endurance and recovery from multiple angles. Each active component had unique properties that work in synergy with one another acting as a catalyst to saturate the muscle cells with H20, electrolytes and makes clear paths for glucose, and amino acids assimilation.

It optimizes ATP production resulting in cellular transfer efficiency at the mitochondrial level. Several of the components aid in eliminating the unneeded byproducts generated from intense training such as lactic acid, ammonia, free radicals which greatly reduces metabolic acidosis (which is essentially the breakdown of ATP, a reduction of PH, thus an unwanted increase in muscle acidity).

And while MyoHydro also generously enhances nitric oxide production it does so without the blind haphazard approach that many N.O. only products chose to take. It's clear MyoHydro is not solely an NO product but does use mild but ample N.O. production as one of it's angles. The components of the blend enables smaller doses of NO stimulating based components to be used. (I haven't researched in depth enough to cite this, it actually could be the comonation of the AAKG and the Beta Alanine since Beta Alanine does increase Carnosine levels and Carnosine is probably one of the most potent NO generators in existance.

It's components enhance hydration, electrolytic replacement and promotes an environment for a positive nitrogen balance. Used properly at ideal doses for your individual it will redistribute H20 , glycogen, electrolytes into the muscle cell drawing fluid from outside the muscle cell and from under the skin giving that vascular ripped look. At less than $2.00 per serving MyoHydro has all the proven, tried & true components necessary for maximizing the results from all your hard work in the gym.

MyoHydro is recommended to be used in conjunction with any form of Creatine, Glutamine (L Form or Bonded Peptides), BCAA's. and or course in conjuntion with a very good blend of adequate macronutrients. Myohydro sets up the environment to enable what you consume do it's job much more effectively and efficiently. So be sure to have your Protein and Carbohydrates for complete recovery. As MyoHydro is a recovery precursor. We want that clear. MyoHydros catalyzing components are geared towards turbo-charging your bio-cellular pathways, therefore shuttling Creatine, Glutamine and BCAA's into the muscle cell with much more efficiency than using Creatine, Glutamine and BCAA's alone.

Recommendations to use in conjunction:
1. Amino Acids - (BCAA's or EAA's)
2. Proteins - (Any isolate or hydrolystate)
3. Carbohydrates (nearly any form depending on current diet regimen)
4. Glutamine - (Especially on a Ketogenic Diet as a glucose source that is much less likely to pull you out of ketosis, also for intenstinal health)
5. Creatine - (Monohydrate, Ethyl Ester, Tri Malate form)
6. ZMA (For the Magnesium and Zinc idealy at bed time)

250 Grams
1 Kilogram