Shock Tactics


Using a variety of sets and broad range of reps as well as different movements can help in muscle stimulation. The body is such a dynamic machine that it can easily adapt to stress. Having many types of exercises keeps the muscles constantly working in different ways. Whether it’s time to get your body to peak for the stage, the beach, or otherwise, it’s very important to stimulate your muscles with advanced training principles. Try any variation of rest-pause sets, giant sets, drop sets, and supersets for the maximum amount of separation and mass. Remember to maintain your form in order to decrease the risk of injury.

Supersets: Perform two exercises in a row, until failure, without resting. These sets don’t have to involve the same muscle group; they can also be used for antagonistic muscle groups. For example, bicep curls superset with tricep extensions, or bench presses superset with barbell rows.

Giant sets: Performed as supersets but with four consecutive sets or exercises.

Drop sets: Select a weight that you can usually only lift for 8 to 12 reps. Complete the set until your muscles reach failure, then drop the weight by about 20% and perform as many reps as you can. Advanced bodybuilders can even drop the weight a third and fourth time.

Rest-pause sets: Select a weight that you can usually only lift for 10 reps. Perform reps until your muscles reach failure, then rest for five seconds. After that, continue until your muscles reach failure again. Rest, and continue until you complete 20 reps.