I was heading South this morning and this guy was tailgating me real bad, so bad I'd be surprised if you can fit a piece of paper between my car and his. I was in the left hand lane and was waiting for a clearing to get over in the middle lane.

So I look back in my mirror again because this guy behind me was starting to make me nervous. I thought man if I have to stop we're both screwed! Almost instantly after I said that to myself, this woman in an escalade to my right (ON HER DAMN CELL PHONE) started coming into my lane. I ended up hitting the brakes and this guy behind me went sideways across three lanes of traffic swerving back and forth and luckily caught it. He ended up being horizontal across every lane of traffic. After I saw this I saw he also had a lawn trailer on the back. UNBELIEVABLE! This guy was tailgating while towing something. How much dumber to you get?

Thank god noone else got hurt, and even though he's a jerk for endangering other peoples lives, I'm glad he didn't get hurt either.

I don't know which one was worse.....the jerk tailgating me, or the self involved woman in the escalade on her all important cell phone??

All I know is I'm tired of so many people on their cell phones while driving. 9 times out of 10 if someone is doing something dumb on the road, their on their cell phone!

My hearts still pumping from that one!