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    Thread: need some expert advice - cruising or pct

    1. #1
      trailrider38's Avatar
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      Default need some expert advice - cruising or pct

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      • need some expert advice - cruising or pct

      • need some expert advice - cruising or pct
      • need some expert advice - cruising or pct
      • need some expert advice - cruising or pct
      • need some expert advice - cruising or pct
      • need some expert advice - cruising or pct
      • need some expert advice - cruising or pct
      after a long cycle, like six months could I just cruise on 250 e of test a week for two months and then back at it with tren/test?

    2. #2
      HeHateMe's Avatar
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      Default Re: need some expert advice - cruising or pct

      Quote Originally Posted by trailrider38 View Post
      after a long cycle, like six months could I just cruise on 250 e of test a week for two months and then back at it with tren/test?
      I suppose you could if you wanted. It's not the strategy I would employ, but then again staying on for six months wouldn't be either (not a flame at all, I'm just sayin).

      I'd come off and try to let my test levels rebound somewhat. I'd utilize GH or slin in the two months off in an attempt to preserve as much lean muscle tissue as possible.

      I'd recommend not staying on for such long periods of time in the future. Of course if you're competitive, this idea is thrown out the window and you do what you have to do.

    3. #3
      trailrider38's Avatar
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      Default Re: need some expert advice - cruising or pct

      No, I'm not competetive at all, just an old man who enjoys the feeling of elevated test levels and the strength from tren... I have been doing long cycles with short breaks for the last four years. I recently had blood tests and liver, kidneys, etc... are all good... I have the clomid, hcg, to do a proper pct but again, at my age (42) I just like being on.

    4. #4
      T-Man007's Avatar
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      Default Re: need some expert advice - cruising or pct

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      • need some expert advice - cruising or pct

      • need some expert advice - cruising or pct
      • need some expert advice - cruising or pct
      • need some expert advice - cruising or pct
      • need some expert advice - cruising or pct
      • need some expert advice - cruising or pct
      • need some expert advice - cruising or pct
      I think it's always wise to take time off. And, the older you get the more taxing this stuff will be on you IMO. My liver took a real beating during my party days and so I'm very carefull to only run one cycle a year and I try to keep it to 16 weeks, 20 max. Then take the whole rest of the year off to take a break. I usually don't lose much size but I lose some strength. I can handle that though, it's just psychological. As long as your are training your muslces beyond failure it doesn't amtter if you dropped 20 pounds on your bench, it really doesn't. Just keep training hard.

      Also, are you getting your blood work done? That's the tale-tale sign right there. If you can do 6 months and not have elevated lipids then that's pretty good but most of us would have something, if not multiple things, that would need a break. Especially the liver and kidneys.
      I used to have superhuman powers....until my therapist took them away.

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