An overdose of sports cream has been identified as the cause of death of a New York teen. Areielle Newman was 17 and a cross country runner at the Notre Dame Academy on Staten Island. "The teen's death was attributed to her body absorbing high levels of methyl salicylate, which is a common ingredient found in sports creams such as Bengay and Icy Hot, according to a report from the New York medical examiner's office." Methyl salicyte is also and ingrediant found in "food, animal products - as well as over-the-counter topical creams for sore and aching muscles."

"The EPA says that "methyl salicylate is an insecticide and is used as an insect repellent in food packaging and animal feed packaging, in addition to being used as an additive in sports creams, such as Bengay."

At this time, it is not known if the FDA will take another look at or take action in allowing the use of methyl salicylate. According to the report by AXcess News, "it may take a lawsuit by Newman's family to prompt an investigation. The Newman family has not disclosed whether legal action against the makers of Bengay or the FDA is being pursued.