Hey everyone,

I just wanted to pass along some helpful advice to prevent anyone from having the problem I recently incurred.

I am going to Cancun next Friday and purchased the trip with Expedia as usual. However, this time I found my trip on Hotwire for approx. $400 cheaper per person. I had my friend call Hotwire and I called Expedia at the same time, Hotwire did not offer transportation to and from the airport/hotel as Expedia did. Then, Expedia said they would match any price out there. So, I gave them the details and the assured me it was no problem. To make a long story short, they tried to screw me and did not refund the difference. At Expedia you have to pay the full price up front and then within 72 hours they reimburse you....bunch of BS imo. I was on hold so long waiting for approval and trying to talk to friends at my house that I forgot to ask fro confimation. What the lady did was changed my return flight becasue she could not find the same one, and then said she got approval....total lie. The match MUST BE EXACTLY THE SAME!!! This person I dealt with was a telesales person contracted to work for Expedia. Their supervisors would do nothing more than give me a $100 coupon, however my card was charged $800 more for the 2 of us. Finally a couple days later I kept calling the 800 number until I reached someone that worked directly for Expedia. This is where I was able to get some things done. I explained to them that the email I sent customer service (they had it on file) was going to go to my entire company of 15,000 come Monday morning, and my friend was going to send it to his 6,000. Also, my gf is the CEO of 4 companies totaling 3,500 employees, with 120 of them being in upper mgmt positions traveling mostly with Expedia Business Travel. I told them I would make certain that she switched to Orbitz or some other company not owned by Expedia. By the way, Hotwire is owned by Expedia...or the same company owns them both one. Anyway, these threats made them listen and take me serious...., all were true though. They had tier 3 mnangement get involved and refunded me the full $800 no more questions asked.