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Topic: The heart

This topic has been on my mind for a few days now and I've wanted to jot down some thoughts. As avid AAS users we are very in tune with our bodies. We work at PCT, we work at our cycles, we work on our diets, we work on training...

BUT I never hear much mentioned about heart health. My personal story with AAS was I waited unitl I was 23 years old, until I felt my genetic potential had run its course. I resisted useage even though countless friends did at very early ages. I am now almost 30. I have used responsibly and never in excess. I wouldn't call myself huge but at 5'9" and 215 lbs with 10 or less percent bodyfat I feel I am a decently knowledged and built bodybuilder.

That being said with 6 years of AAS use to my credit I recently have begun running consistently (not a favorite amoungst bodybuilder...I hate it). I have noticed that I have a heart pain after getting my heart rate near 90%.

This is where the discussion comes in. I felt the urgency to check my heart health out. In my mind my heart just doesn't like working at a high rate for a long period of time due to my size but I wanted to be sure. ....and my doctor agreed.

First step: Resting EKG, results showed good sound strong heart
Second step: Stress EKG/bloodpressure, again results were above normal.
Third step: cholestrol blood tests (2 times), again great results

ON this second test the doctor attributed the pain I described to one of two things. Lower ventricle disease or possible left lung pain. The latter is a possibility for me since in 03 I was in a severe motorcycle accident, one of the attributing injuries was a collapsed left lung.

So far my doctor says my heart is healthy and sees no risk factors. This made me feel good but got me thinkng (hense this post) we use PCT to get our hormone profiles back but when do we ever get our hearts checked out. This is a must because the heart is a muscle and it does get affected by our AAS use.

For me the left lung issue might be something I have to live with. But the lower ventricle disease is what I want to mention. This disease is commonly found mostly in women but occasionally men. It is usually hormone related. This will be my next test because guess what...we increase and mess with testosterone levels which indirectly messes with the female hormone, estrogen.

I'm sure I have nothing to worry about and I am very healthy age is just starting to be a factor. I just really wanted my brother and sisters in AAS use to consider this and get your heart checked out.

Sorry for the long read...
