Flaiming, for those of you who don't understand the term, is more than just name calling, it is also being disrespectful. If you can't debate without making smart ass comments or deroagatory comments from now on, you will be banned. Period!

This has NOTHING to do with anything said in the past! This starts now, so debate with maturity or don't debate at all.

Calling someone ignorant, naive, blinded, brainwashed, etc. This is nothing more than saying "you are an idiot because you don't believe what I do." It is also insulting to someone's character because you are basically saying they are too dumb to see the light. And, it is not respectful. From now on debates will be handled with the utmost repsect or you will be banned. This is the last warning. Those of you how can debate with maturity will find this to be no problem, those of you who can't I assume will try to turn it into something else. I don't care, this is the way it's going to be from now on! The members here will receive the utmost respect at all times or else the disrespectful party will be invited to never come back.