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    Thread: protein/whey question?

    1. #1
      Polish Prince's Avatar
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      • protein/whey question?
      • protein/whey question?
      • protein/whey question?
      • protein/whey question?
      • protein/whey question?
      I was always told that you should take a "whey" protein before you work out...like an hour, then right after your workout take a regular protein shake? Is this correct?? And another question i was wondering, is it alright to take a protein shake right before you go to bed? I feel like i would just gain more fat that way for some reason? thanks.

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      Default Re: protein/whey question?

      well, i believe you should have a complex carb/protien meal an hour before you workout. for me, i need the carbs for energy to help push through my workout....i do notice if i miss this meal. and after workingout you want a whey protien...something that digest's fast, like hydrolized (sp?) protien and simple carbs. the simple carbs will be important at this time. get a real meal within 1-1 1/2 hrs after.
      as far as before bed, you want a casin protien with milk...something that digest's slow. there are a few specialized night time protiens on the market (i use mhp probolic sr)


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      Default Re: protein/whey question?

      ok....now what would myoplex be considered?? could i take my whey protein after workouts...and myoplex before? or is myoplex a whey protein aswell?

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      Default Re: protein/whey question?

      Dave said it perfectly, As far as your myoplex, I would just read your label. It probably has a mix of proteins and carbs. And yes take your whey right after with simple carbs like dave stated as well. Very important in transporting the protein.
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      Default Re: protein/whey question?

      as far as eating lots of carbs?? is that a bad thing? i love pasta with chicken or pasta with tuna...i can eat pasta everyday? eating pasta all the time while trying to bulk? bad or good?

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      Default Re: protein/whey question?

      Sorry for being so uneducated in the protein dept. Here are the two proteins that i have:

      #1. Ultimate Nutrition - ProStar Whey Protein
      114 calories
      23g protein
      1.5g fat
      2g carbohydrate

      #2. Myoplex Original
      280 calories
      42g protein
      2g fat
      24g carbohydrate

      So since the myoplex has a lot more carbs per serving, i should take that an hour before my workout, and the other whey protein afterwards correct?? thanks.
      Oh and if i want to take a third protein through out the day, whether being mourning or evening...which would benefit me better?

    7. #7
      T-Man007's Avatar
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      Default Re: protein/whey question?

      Ok, prior to workout you can have whey protein but the thing to realize it whey is very fast absorbing. Studies have shown that the gastric emptying times of liquid meals is like 32 minutes, on average. So, that means, it's through the stomach that quick. Then, once in the intestine, it absorbs quickly because most whey protein is already broken down into dipeptides and tripetides which is the only form your body will absorb.

      So, in my opinion, I would eat a whole food meal about an hour to an hour and a half prior to training so that the protein is in your blood stream throughout the workout. Then, post workout, you need the whey and you need something high glycemic. In other words, something that converts to glucose quickly. This is necessary for two reasons, first, the muscles need the glucose to rebuild glycogen stores and second, the protein piggy backs on the glucose to get to the muscle. Well, at this point it's not longer protein, it's amino acids.

      For bed time you need Micellar Casein protein. This type of protein digests over a 6-7 hour period. This way your body gets protein through most of the night while it tries to rebuild. If you take whey prior to bed your body will have digested and absorbed the protein within 1 to 1 1/2 hours. What's your body supposed to use to rebuild itself the rest of the night? I suggest a high protein combo of 30 grams of whey and 60 to 90 grams of micellar casein. Yes, it's a lot of protein, but the 60 to 90 grams is digesting over several hours so it won't get wasted. The whey gets absorbed quickly and then the body is able to feed on the rest.

      That's my opinion.
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      Default Re: protein/whey question?

      So my myoplex i should just use for a breakfast shake then?

    9. #9
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      Default Re: protein/whey question?

      Quote Originally Posted by Polish Prince View Post
      Sorry for being so uneducated in the protein dept. Here are the two proteins that i have:

      #1. Ultimate Nutrition - ProStar Whey Protein
      114 calories
      23g protein
      1.5g fat
      2g carbohydrate

      #2. Myoplex Original
      280 calories
      42g protein
      2g fat
      24g carbohydrate

      So since the myoplex has a lot more carbs per serving, i should take that an hour before my workout, and the other whey protein afterwards correct?? thanks.
      Oh and if i want to take a third protein through out the day, whether being mourning or evening...which would benefit me better?
      Actually, you need carbs before and after workout. You want low glycemic (slow converting) carbs prior to workout and high glycemic (fast converting) carbs after. The glycemic index is based on the rate at which carbs convert to glucose. If you eat food that are high glycemic (white pasta, instant rice, white bread, white potatoes, etc..) the will convert to glucose very quickly. What this does is cause a high spike in blood sugar which cause your pancreas to release a lot of insulin to balance it and then your blood sugar drops quickly. It's never good to have up and down glucose levels. It causes you to get tired quickly too and a lot of it will be converted to fat if not burned up.

      On the flip side, if you eat more low glycemic foods (whole wheat bread, basmati rice, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, etc.) the food converts to glucos slower and you don't have the insulin spikes and your blood sugar stays more stable allowing your body to absorb more and less is converted to fat. However, post workout you body is in need of glucose for the muscles and this is the only time high glycemic carbs are needed. The rest of the day you should eat low glycemic carbs. My protein powder is very low in carbs for this reason and I usually eat some fruit with my shake. I just eat fruits that are low glycemic like pears, nectarines, peaches, grapes (believe it or not), cherries (the lowest fruit on the list) and plums. I usually get 3-4 servings of fruit a day, sometimes more depending on how many shakes I drink. I also add about 3-4 ounces of 100% juice, again low glycemic fruit juice, to my shakes. Nothing from concentrate and nothing with added sugars, just 100% juice. Usually grape, cranberry, or some other combination.
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      Default Re: protein/whey question?

      Quote Originally Posted by Polish Prince View Post
      So my myoplex i should just use for a breakfast shake then?
      Myoplex would be best post workout because I'm sure the carbs are nothing more than sugars. I would even add more glucose to it to make it higher. But only post workout. Or, if you have a very physically active job, then you can pound a couple of those between meals because it will get absorbed.
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      Default Re: protein/whey question?

      can i just use my myoplex before a workout and take some amino vitamins?

    12. #12
      T-Man007's Avatar
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      Default Re: protein/whey question?

      Quote Originally Posted by Polish Prince View Post
      can i just use my myoplex before a workout and take some amino vitamins?
      You can drink the shake prior to workout but you need to drink it like 15 minutes before so it's still in your system at the end of your workout. Otherwise, you will get tired towards the end. Or, you will have to train in less than 45 minutes. IMO.

      What are amino vitamins? Are you taking about amino acids and a seperate vitamin? Vitamins, yes, take those, but aminos are a waste. If you eat enough meat, you get enough aminos. And, there a whole science behind aminos too.

      Read this:

      This is why BCAA's are usless (biologically speaking)...

      The pituitary is stimulated to release GH by another hormone circulating in the brain, called somatrocrinin. Levels of somacrinin can be incresed by increasing levels of brain neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are the chemicals that carry information from one nerve to another. Their activity constitues your mind, your conciouness, all your schemes and dreams. So before you mess with them you better know what you are doing.

      To increase neurotransmitters, you have to get the amino acids that influence them past what is called the blood-brain barrier. That is a system designed to protect the brain. To cross the barrier, amino acids have to be carried by specific transport molecules. The transport capacity is very limited and once it is full, no more aminos get across for some time.

      As I stated above, there are four different types of transporter. Each will carry only one specific class of amino acids. The four are Large Neutral, Small Neutral, Acidic and Basic.

      Large Neutral: Trytophan, Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, Methionine, Hisidine, Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine
      Small Neutral: Asparagine, Glutamine, Proline and Serine.
      Acidic: Latamic Acid and Aspartic Acid.
      Basic: Arginine, Ornithine and Lysine.

      As you can see if you want your aminos to work for you you have to take them alone. For instance a supplement of Trytophan, Glutamine, and Arginine would be a great combo. There is one unassigned amino Glycine that has been proven to release GH too, but it's much weaker. The strongest are Tryptophan, Glutimine, Arginine, Ornithine (in the form of ornithine alpha-ketogluterate) and Lysine.
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      Default Re: protein/whey question?

      ok thanks for the great input T-Man. I will take your advice and use my whey 15 min prior to workout (gotta use it up since i have lots ya know), and take my myoplex post, and an hour after workout i can eat some white pasta, white rice. etc. right....thanks you da man!

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      white rice/pasta will do you no good..stick with whole grains...
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