I was doing so good at my diet and now since I've started taking all these new supps, I've been having crazy cravings and consuming a ton more food than I normally eat.

Is there any apetite suppresant/ fat burner pill out there that really works? I want to eat healthy and eat less but I've been so damn hungry.

These are my current supps:

Beverly int vitamin pack
Vitamin C as ascorbate 8-10g total ed
Mag citate 200-400mg daily still messing with the dosage
12-15g fish oil
Taurine 4g x 3 ed - not before bed
NAC 500 mg 3x a day
Alcar 1g 3X ed
R-ala 100mg 4 x ed
GABA 500mg 3x ed -not before workout
CEE- 2g 3-4x ed
Glutamine 5g 3-4x ed
Hydra joint 1200 condriton 1200 glucosamine 500 msm
pantothenic acid (b5) 10 g ed
10 bags green tea daily -
liver tabs about 20 ed 4 with each meal