Here's my STAT's
170 lbs, 15% Bodyfat 5'11. Weight training for 8 Years, Personal Trainer, Train Hard and Heavy 4-5 Days A week With Various Routines. Lift with Multijoint Compound Lifts, Squats,Deadlifts,Power Lunges,Clean And Press, Power Clean, ....ECT Trying to lift 100-150% body weight, so my body realeases maximal amounts of nat. hormones. High protein intake of about 1-1.5 grams protein per/lean pound. BUT I AM STUCK..... Need some help... This is the cycle I am thinking. I would like no more than 2 AAS Such as 400 test Dec or Cyp, maybe 25mg of Di bol or Maybe 250 Deca .... Then taper off with CLomid and maybe have some Arimidex on hand for safety.... I want to inject on MON and THUR with 200test/125deca or 25mg D-bol..... Now what do you guys think would be the best combination for my stats. I would like to go on for 10 weeks, just like to know what kinda of MASS i could put on with this cycle based on what you guys have already achieved.... HELP ME BOYZ